Do You Feel Invisible?

It is interesting to feel and observe the changes that are occurring internally and externally during this time of transformation. I always reflect on what I observe happening ‘out there’ and endeavor to understand how the outer events are a reflection of what is, or has been, transpiring within.

When speaking with other people it is surprising to hear that our experiences, while unique to each individual, are essentially similar. Interpretations and understanding of experiences are often expressed differently but take away the language component of explanation and interpretation then differences are actually not that great.

For example, more and more I encounter people who share experiences where they have felt as though they were invisible. Common situations include those waiting to be served in a store and being overlooked or being in a group situation but not being noticed. The common thread is that individuals comment they feel totally invisible, as though their presence is not observed or felt by others.

What does this signify? Is it actually becoming more prevalent? And, why does this happen to some people and not others?

I believe this is one of the symptoms, or side-effects, of the changes that occur energetically as we become more consciously aware. A great deal has been written about shifting from 3rd to 5th dimensional frequency, about shifting from lower density to holding higher vibrations, or as I channeled during the years I was connected to the energy of Edgar Cayce it’s about becoming multi-dimensional. 

Scientifically it’s been shown that all living things hold bio-photon energy within their cellular structure. Cayce (from channeled information) insists that the ‘junk DNA’ our bodies hold is being activated as there is a shift in consciousness, thereby increasing the amount of bio-photon light held by the body. Interestingly, I recently read a scientific article that supported this claim.

As we shift into the higher frequencies our bodies hold more light. Some individuals are shifting rapidly, others not so. The implication is that individuals whose bodies are more light filled may not be as physically visible to those whose frequencies are not on a similar wavelength.

It can be frustrating to be overlooked time and again. If this has happened to you I’m sure you’ll understand just what I’m saying. Getting served in restaurants, stores and institutions can become challenging. Even socializing at events can feel like a dismal affair. 

Rather than focusing on the annoyances I’ve found there are advantages to being ‘invisible’. Generally I am left alone to do ‘my thing’ – it is as though I am left to my own devices. Life definitely flows ever so much more effortlessly. There are certainly fewer interpersonal challenges. And, there is an enhanced feeling of being balanced and having inner stability. 

My experience of being invisible is not unique, as I’ve discussed the experiences with others who also find this happening. One of the biggest benefits is to health and wellbeing.

Sickness and susceptibility to viruses, bacteria and pathogens become a thing of the past. It’s a gradual process but over time it becomes apparent that the body functions in much healthier ways and remains healthy even when there are viruses that are seriously affecting the larger population.

In the channeled messages from Edgar Cayce he stated this was one of the outcomes that can be anticipated as our bodies hold more light. Given the huge amounts of money being spent annually on health related issues and conditions being ‘invisible’ can be considered advantageous.

If you are feeling challenged and are unsure of just how to shift your energy to higher frequencies I will be exploring this topic in greater depth in the February newsletter. 


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