Taking a Positive Spin….

In the past few days the northeast of the United States has been pounded by intense weather patterns – referred to as a ‘super storm’. The damage is extensive and the cleaning up process will most likely continue for weeks, if not months!

However, is what has happened really a disaster? Or, does it offer an opportunity for change? It’s a well researched fact that individuals facing a health challenge respond better to treatment when there’s a positive and determined attitude to the healing process. So, I have to ask the question:  ‘how does the psychology of positive thinking apply in situations such as natural disasters’?

It is all too easy to dwell on the extent of the damage that’s occurred and to take a defeatist or negative attitude to the whole situation.  Yet, I don’t for a moment believe that the majority of individuals affected are feeling negative or angry. In such situations most individuals accept what has occurred and then do what needs to be done to rectify the damage that has occurred.

I believe that super storm Sandy is definitely a catalyst for creating tolerance, a sense of community and instituting forward planning.  It is no coincidence that this event occurred a week before the presidential election and also at the beginning of the holiday season – Halloween seems to be the starting point of celebrations and social gatherings in the States.

So, how is it possible to take a positive outlook on the devastation that’s occurred? These are some of the points that I’ve considered, and I’m sure you’ll also have some to add! No list is ever exhaustive.

1.  It shifts our focus to humanitarian issues relating to survival and basic needs/comforts.

2. It places the presidential race on a lower level in our consciousness (for many people anyway). We are afforded an opportunity to reassess our priorities.

3.  Nature has an amazing cleansing action. I wonder how many negative and stagnant energies have been swept away?

4. Rebuilding efforts are likely to reduce the unemployment numbers in our communities.

5. Once again we have an opportunity to create community – as all catastrophes provide!

6. It shifts the focus from ‘me/I’ to ‘we’. A powerful reminder that we are all One.

7. We are reminded of our own powers, as this is an opportunity for prayer, meditation and sending healing.

And…… you add your insights to this list!

As a dear friend said many years ago, ‘You can choose to be happy or sad. It’s not possible to be both at the same time. You choose!’ That statement applies as much to daily affairs as it does to natural disasters.

November 1, 2012



Life is about having ‘Experiences’

I was privileged to channel the energy of Edgar Cayce to audiences in the northeast USA for about three years. During this time many questions relating to health, career, life purpose, and other core issues were asked by individuals. In one gathering, Cayce was asked about an incident experienced by an individual and the lesson to which that incident related.

His response began with, “Why does there have to be a lesson? It is because of the teachings of the churches…. Unfortunately, from where I sit now I’m able to see a bigger picture. I see control and power by those who lay down the law as to how things are. When it comes to lessons, that’s not what life is about. Lessons are a man-made concept.”

From an early age we are reminded by parents, teachers, and others in positions of authority that we have lessons to learn, and if we haven’t learned particular lessons then we are at fault. We are reminded continually, and often lovingly, that we are not doing enough or that we have to try harder. As a culture we have become inculcated into believing that somehow life is about lessons. The harder we apply ourselves the greater the likelihood of success. The yardstick of measurement is constantly at work. Will we pass or is it likely that another failure is in store? Are we going to disappoint our superiors, parents, teachers, once again?

Edgar Cayce mentioned the teachings of the churches. How often are we reminded that “man is born into sin,” or that “we are born into suffering.” It does not matter whether one is of the Roman Catholic or Buddhist faiths, the message is the same. We are not good enough; we are flawed, inadequate and, in order to overcome these characteristics, we must make atonement throughout life. Continual striving and self-judgment become normalized within the psyche as a result.

Am I the only one who questions the concept of life being a series of “lessons” that need to be learned? Sometimes I feel as though we have become so heavily entrenched in this belief system that we have lost sight of our real purpose for having the human experience.

Ask yourself if you have learned a particular lesson? Then as you do this, take note of how you feel inside. Every time you feel you have not mastered yet another of the countless lessons that life has a way of throwing in your direction you add to the accumulated feelings of inadequacy, lack, and unworthiness.

Lessons are a reminder of school. If you pass you receive approval, breathe a sigh of relief, and brace yourself for the next lesson to be mastered. If you fail – and failure tends to be more common than success – then it merely adds to the inner feelings of confusion, resulting in additional feelings of futility.

Life is not a school. School is a man-made concept that keeps you from attaining your true purpose and understanding. It prevents you from living your life to its fullest potential due to the fear-induced lessons and initiations you are continually reminded that exist.

There is, instead, a liberating and powerful alternative way of perceiving and experiencing life. Not as a series of lessons to be mastered but as an amazing journey of self-discovery and realization.

Edgar Cayce, in a private communication, shared that the soul embodies in order to have experiences. Through these experiences, awareness and understanding develop. As a result, the soul evolves to higher levels of consciousness. Isn’t this a much gentler way of viewing and experiencing the journey of life in all its challenges?

Even the countless spiritual and New Age teachers who are proliferating their messages of inspiration and meaning continue to espouse the concept of “lessons.” Unfortunately, they too are a product of their conditioning, and all too often are not prone to deeply questioning the religious “truths” that have been promulgated.

As Einstein is quoted as saying, “The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

If we are to experience a true paradigm shift, we have no choice but to question deeply all accepted beliefs and doctrines. Where teachings and beliefs result in individuals feeling inadequate, inferior, or inept then they lack merit. Our soul purpose is to evolve, and soul evolvement can only be achieved in the highest vibrations with best intentions that highlight our inherent goodness and value.