Letting Go Of Illusion

Have you ever had the experience of wondering what in the world is real? Or what is the truth of a situation? Just how much of our co-created reality is actually based on belief systems and perceptions, rather than truth? Is it possible that many of these are no longer relevant or applicable?

As we near the end of 2014, an incredibly tumultuous year in which many of our core values are being challenged and tested to the nth degree, it’s actually a miracle if we are able to remain centered and balanced. 

Kudos to you if you survive this year with feelings of optimism and a strong sense of yourself and your direction! 

It’s not my intention to sound cynical or even contentious. Rather I’m in awe of the extent to which our reality seems to be unravelling and the basis of many beliefs and practices are now in question.

There are many evident examples of just how rapidly truth and information is changing. The internet, media and social media, especially, are continually shaping our perceptions of reality as more new data, stories and ‘facts’ are touted. 

Given the amount of information readily available on just about every topic it’s easy to become influenced or sceptical, depending on inclinations and conditioning. Rather than focusing on old and current research in any field, or discussing the merits or otherwise of findings I feel it’s more important to actually maintain balance and harmony in daily life. 

Letting Go Of Illusion

All the things that are witnessed and experienced in the short period of a lifetime are basically an illusion. They are merely an opportunity to engage in the physical manifestations that are consciously (and unconsciously) co-created. The short period of time spent in the physical body offers opportunities to create, play, engage and evolve. The dramas, fears, wars, emotions and activities engaged in do not reflect the true nature of your essence. Your essence, or higher wisdom, experiments and creates your life experiences yet in no way becomes them! Your essence knows and understands the illusion of this temporary playground called Earth and all that transpires while living in human form. 

We Are Transforming

According to everything I’ve learned over many years is that we are now in the middle of a massive shift or transformation. This is not a comfortable process, and at times it may be downright painful, filled with uncertainty and confusion. At times you may feel as though you are caught between realities. The old reality, the one you grew up with and are familiar with may at times feel strong and secure. At other times it may feel dated and irrelevant. The exposure to an overwhelming information load and conflicting knowledge ensures that the status quo does not remain constant. This constantly being pulled in different directions takes its toll on the physical body, as well as emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

During this time of transformation we are learning that nothing remains the same – as much as we often would prefer that change isn’t as constant! We are finding our belief systems often no longer apply, that long held practices no longer have the same impact or effect, and that our feelings and awareness are shifting. 

All this confusion and inner conflict are reflected in the outer reality. A brief analysis of world events indicates the turmoil is widespread. All this is an essential part of the transformation process. In much the same way as you  may be strongly inclined to clear the clutter out of your closets and home, globally there is also a clearing of the old energies, beliefs, enmities, traditions and cultures, etc that no longer reflect the changing energies of the world’s population. 

Lies, Mistruths and Deceptions

A significant aspect of this transformation process is the revealing and exposing of the lies and deceptions that have been generated through the generations. This process can be extremely unsettling as deeply embedded traditional family, cultural and geographic beliefs are exposed as being based on false premise. This results in great uncertainty and questioning, which is an essential part of the transformation process. 

My sense is that we’ll see more whistle blowers and mistruths revealed in the next few years. In fact, it’s highly likely that the dramas of 2014 will be continued for a while. Whether you choose to be part of those dramas or to believe in them is your decision. 

Ultimately this transformation process is an opportunity to release the illusions, to let go of dated beliefs and thereby begin the process of creating a more harmonious lifestyle, one that is connected with nature and which supports the understanding that everything is One! 

Recently I received a link to the latest Matthew channeling, which actually indicates that there’s more change coming, some of which may be greatly challenging. The link to this channeling is: 



Where Do You Stand?

To what extent have you let go of believing in the co-created illusion? Are you seeing the true nature of existence yet? Have your core values shifted dramatically? Are you more at peace deep within? 

Only you have awareness of your ‘position’ in the big picture. My sense of the current transformative times is that individuals who have undertaken a healing journey, who have released stagnant emotional pain and whose vibrational frequency is of a high level will come into their own in the next few years. These individuals will weather the challenges with minimal (if any) effort and will remain clear and balanced regardless of whatever chaos and dramas may be occurring. 

How Do You See Your Future?

Yesterday I engaged in conversation with a young guy ringing up my purchases at a local organic food store. It turns out that we have similar aspirations, despite the huge age gap! We both agreed that living off the grid, using permaculture practices, using alternative energy (solar for me) and collecting rainwater in order to live more sustainably on the planet is essential. His comment, “It’s my generation’s responsibility to clean up the planet, to make it becomes what it’s supposed to be” warmed my heart greatly. He knows his purpose and stated with great clarity the importance of this undertaking. This young man has seen through the illusion and finds it incredibly unappealing and irrelevant. 

Not everyone is able to clearly see or get a sense of their destiny, or purpose. However, most likely you are on the way to figuring out yours when you: 

  • Appreciate and enjoy the simple things in life;
  • Feel passionate about making a difference in some way;
  • See your life journey being connected with others, including total strangers, animals and plants;
  • Have compassion and extend it gladly;
  • Live in trust and in the moment;
  • Enjoy the ease and flow of life as it happens;
  • Let go of the need to control;
  • Smile and laugh often;
  • Accept others as they are;
  • Value and honor your own health and wellbeing.

 Letting go of illusion and transforming back into your natural higher wisdom state is a journey, one that many have been undertaking in recent years. It’s not always an easy journey, especially when old values and beliefs are found to be invalid. Yet, I encourage you to continue refining the process. Let go, learn to trust your higher wisdom and its intuitive guidance and you’ll begin to find that life is less stressful and more joyful.