The Three Cs In Life

“Three Cs in life: Choices, Chances and Change

You must make a choice to take a chance or life will never change”


Recently I made a major change in my life. It wasn’t made hurriedly. I had a choice. Stay in a city and state that has many great features or move interstate to a totally unfamiliar environment. I made the choice, took a chance and now love the changes. Having always lived in cool or cold weather climates I now live in a sub-tropical climate, closer to family. This move means making new friendships, charting a different course, taking risks and also having masses of trust that this is a worthwhile change.

Each day I marvel at the lushness of vegetation, relish the relative warmth of winter and am discovering a plethora of new adventures and opportunities. Best of all, it feels like I’ve finally found my tribe. It’s so easy to make friends and best of all I feel as though I’ve come home. Taking this gamble is already paying off in ways I’d never imagined possible.

Socrates is quoted as saying, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”. This is what my focus and intention are at the moment, while simultaneously feeling gratitude for whatever else has been experienced previously.

Nevertheless not all choices result in change that feels positive, healthy or uplifting. Since leaving New York in 2013 I’ve moved house seven times. Each time I’ve hoped and trusted that the move was the “right” move, and each time something just felt a tad off. Yet with each move there were accompanying experiences and opportunities for growth and learning – all of which have been profound and truly worthwhile, even though they didn’t always feel that way!

The biggest change of all, however, is my decision to once again immerse myself in the work I love doing and which I’ve neglected somewhat these past five years. Telling myself that it’s good to have a hiatus, to have time to explore other options and possibilities was necessary as the time away has truly shown me where my passion lies. Sometimes making a choice, taking a chance and experiencing change can provide an opportunity for revealing what has been taken for granted or has been overlooked. As yet I’m not sure just how my foray back into doing what I’ve done previously is going to look. Will I work the same way? Or will there be new and different approaches taken? Only time will tell.

As human beings we are capricious. We often focus on what is lacking rather than on what is right in front of us. This tendency provides plentiful opportunity for questioning, reflecting, analysing and understanding. I’ve used the five year hiatus to gain a stronger sense of my own value, to grow spiritually, further hone my skills and to also understand my insignificance in the bigger scheme of things.

Life is precious. Every moment offers opportunity for appreciation, growth, learning and more. Right now, from what I understand my astrology friends are saying, there are a lot of planets in retrograde. When combined with eclipses the cosmic energies don’t necessarily support us in forward movement. What, however, they do is provide an opportunity for inner growth, expansion and exploration.

Who are you? What are you here for? What choices and possibilities are available to you? What changes are desirable? How can you create desired change? And, what chances need to be taken? If you are in any way unhappy or dissatisfied with the way things are going then right now is a really good time to reflect, plan and begin creating the changes you desire. There’s a lot to be said for the well-known statement, “The longest journey begins with the smallest of steps.”  Only you can know what you need do in order to continue on this journey called life. It’s up to you to make the most of this journey, to make choices and take the chances that support you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

And, remember, there are no right or wrong choices. Every choice offers opportunities for learning and growth in one way or another. Personally I prefer to think of them as ‘detours’, and some are pleasant while others are not so. Make the journey an adventure, view the positive experiences with joy, view the less than positive experiences for what they offer in terms of understanding. But ultimately, live with gratitude knowing you have options along with the power to manifest magnificently.



My latest book was released earlier this year, but not published under my name. My publisher insisted that I used a pen name. Some of you may be aware of this fact, others may not. However, I believe in transparency and happily admit that I’ve been blessed with countless weird, wonderful, out of this world experiences. It’s not easy feeling like the misfit, the person who doesn’t fit in, whose world view seems to be at odds with the general consensus. Yet, there are many people like myself who feel this way and if my story in any way helps even one person be true to who they are then I’ll have done my job.

The book is entitled A Square Peg: Conformity Isn’t An Option. Pen name is Gabriella Jaye. Published by Balboa Press and it’s available internationally at all good retail outlets and is also as an eBook. Check out the reviews on

I also started a blog to support the book’s release – – it’s still in its infancy, but hopefully it will also provide a forum for others to share their stories and experiences.

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

How do you see yourself and the world at large at this point in time? Are you caught up in being right about a situation, having strong beliefs about how things should be? Or, are you finding fault about a lot of things that are happening in your community, country or globally? Do you blame others for the way things seem to be? Are you getting frustrated because there’s so much change happening and it’s unsettling, creating uncertainty? I could ask a lot more generic questions yet I suspect that on some level you’re beginning to understand what I’m attempting to say. 

Years ago I came across the above saying, “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”, and learned that it was a Shaman saying. It’s only now as I observe the upheaval, chaos and uncertainty globally that I’m seeing the full truth behind this statement. 

Allow me to make some observations. It seems that there’s a lot of anger surfacing in the States since the November presidential election, and that this anger continues to fester. At first it appeared (via the reports shown here in Australia) that the anticipated winner’s loss upset her supporters. Since then however there seems to be growing anger and righteousness expressed by her supporters, along with increasing smear campaigns and a great deal of ‘fake news’ being reported. It’s gotten to the stage that it’s difficult, or even impossible, to know what is the truth. However, the energy of anger, resentment, frustration doesn’t seem to be abating and possibly now it’s feeding itself because it’s become so intense. 

In Australia, the anti-Muslim energy is growing with definite polarities becoming evident within society. The protester clashes are becoming more violent. In fact, there are more protests occurring over a number of political issues, with vitriol, anger and increasing calls to action by those venting their frustrations with systems that are failing.

Worldwide there is massive change occurring – Brexit being one example, another indication is the jailing of Iceland’s corrupt bankers and politicians resulting in its withdrawal from the International Monetary Fund, there are massive public protests and rallies occurring in countless countries including Indonesia, South Korea, the South American continent, and so on.

In other words there seems to be a massive call for change, for improvement in systems and living conditions. Yet I ask myself whether there’s any likelihood of real and lasting change when the energy of simmering rage, frustration and anger continues unabated. History has taught us that change from upheaval, coups and violence doesn’t work, it only produces more of the same in the long run. So, what are viable options for creating positive change?


Take Nothing Personally

Wow, now that’s a strong statement. How is it possible to take nothing personally when there are things taking place that are distasteful, wrong, and unlawful? Over 20 years ago I came across this wisdom and it’s been invaluable. When encountering something that is upsetting there are three possible options for dealing with that situation. If it’s none of your business then let it be; if it’s about you or affects you then it’s up to you to make changes, providing those changes are made in integrity; and if it’s up to someone else to fix then let them. 

Nowadays I recommend that thought processes include both love and compassion, many times daily. When a situation arises over which there is no personal control, but which exerts a negative response within, then sending love, compassion and healing to that person or situation is far more productive than holding onto anger or frustration. The benefits of large group meditation in changing an energy or situation have been well demonstrated time and again. Now, more than ever it’s important to let go of attachment or expectations around other people, circumstances and instead send the powerful healing vibration of love.

Let Go Of Ego

How much of the anger being expressed is ego feeding on the dramas? In his book, A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle he explores the many facets of ego and it’s a must read book for everyone! Once you understand the extent to which responses and perceptions are governed by ego’s need for instability, drama and emotional dissatisfaction you’ll then begin to harness its damaging impact and begin to make subtle shifts in both perception and in how you deal with situations and issues.

It’s understandable that frustration and anger surface when situations become untenable. Yet, there are positive and healthy ways of channeling that anger so that it can become a constructive energy of change and growth. Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks listed an emotional scale, with depression as the lowest of emotions and bliss as the highest and a whole range of other emotions between those two. Interestingly anger was listed as being just above depression and in the discourse Abraham indicated that anger, when used constructively can bring about positive changes.

Ego demands instant gratification, via outbursts, emotional upheaval and uncertainty, feelings of righteousness, and more. Instead of feeding this need it’s far healthier to engage in practices that foster problem solving, calmness, co-operation. Simple activities such as meditation, listening to gentle music, deep breathing and consciously letting go of ego’s demand for action allows you to be in the moment, to become appreciative and to express gratitude. 

Live in the Moment

Being fully present in the moment is a state that is often aspired to, but one which can be more challenging to maintain. Right now, due to the uncertainty and turmoil in the world, you have no choice but to focus your energy and attention to what is happening right now. Everything may change in a heartbeat, tomorrow is still a long time away. Being fully present in whatever you are doing enables you to fully embrace that experience, regardless of its significance or otherwise. Often the mindless moments are the most important. Simply appreciating nature or the feel of your breath or the wind in your hair can lift a mood into one of simply being one with all that is.

What can you do in the moment that can make a difference to your wellbeing and to that of others? Being fully present with whatever is occurring is a gift; it means that your mind, and possibly ego, are not focused elsewhere. You are directing energy consciously, rather than being distracted by all sorts of mental gymnastics where your mind imagines worst case scenarios.

Another significant benefit of living in the moment is that it has real health benefits. It’s well documented that thoughts and words have an energy impact. The research by Dr Emoto attests to the power of both positive and negative thoughts on frozen water molecules. As the human body is over 70% water it’s worthwhile reframing negative thoughts into positives at every opportunity because whatever you think has an impact. When being fully present in the moment there’s an added benefit as there’s less thinking and with that reduced stress on the body.

Everyone is a Mirror

The outer world is a reflection of the inner. The current worldwide unrest reflects the inner turmoil that’s within humanity. The conscious collective is undergoing a massive shift and all that is residing within and has been festering for eons is finally erupting. And, it’s not necessarily a pretty sight but nevertheless is a significant part of the change process. When you feel anger, impatience or other emotions around a person or situation ask ‘What is that showing me about myself? Why am I reacting so strongly?’

What you see in others is what you have within. What annoys you about someone reflects something that you need to heal. In her book, The Body is the Barometer of the Soul, Annette Noontil shares a personal story. Her intolerance of and anger towards people who litter was intense. When she meditated on what she herself needed to heal she received a clear message that while she didn’t actually litter stuff she wasted lots of time. In wasting time she was littering her energy on little things.

Once this process of self analysis and understanding takes place any intolerance and anger towards others dissolves as self healing takes place. The actions of others provide a perfect opportunity for inner growth and shifting awareness, resulting in increased acceptance and tolerance of whatever is occurring elsewhere.

Remember the Big Picture

It is all too easy to focus on the little things that are creating discordant energies and dissatisfaction. However, it’s important from time to time to stop and reflect on all that’s been learned in your journey. Prior to incarnating you knew that you would be coming into a world filled with turmoil, just as you knew that this turmoil would precede positive changes. Without the turmoil and uncertainty there can be no changes!

When I channeled the energy of Edgar Cayce he stated, many times, that this would be a process involving both pain and discomfort. However, he also pointed out that this process would ultimately result in many years of peace on the planet.

This is what I mean when I suggest that you remember the big picture. There are two possible options ahead for humanity and the planet. The first, which is ultimate destruction of all is a possibility, yet is not one that I’ll even put any energy into exploring. The second option is the one that Edgar Cayce stressed – a balanced and healthy world, where peace and harmony are predominant. It is this big picture that I know is possible. It’s possible because you have the ability to maintain steadfast with positive determination, to maintain a vibration of love towards everyone and everything. It’s the power of love, compassion and acceptance of what is happening that will eventually become the overriding frequency that supports the changes constructively.

At every opportunity – countless times daily – I encourage you to send love and healing to humanity, to Earth and to situations that sorely need to be lifted into that vibration. The more this is done by everyone the stronger and more dominant it becomes, until such time that a tipping point is reached and a complete shift occurs.

Jointly we have the power to make this shift – it’s up to you and I and everyone else to be the way showers in this regard. Remember, energy flows where attention goes!

Do You Feel Invisible?

It is interesting to feel and observe the changes that are occurring internally and externally during this time of transformation. I always reflect on what I observe happening ‘out there’ and endeavor to understand how the outer events are a reflection of what is, or has been, transpiring within.

When speaking with other people it is surprising to hear that our experiences, while unique to each individual, are essentially similar. Interpretations and understanding of experiences are often expressed differently but take away the language component of explanation and interpretation then differences are actually not that great.

For example, more and more I encounter people who share experiences where they have felt as though they were invisible. Common situations include those waiting to be served in a store and being overlooked or being in a group situation but not being noticed. The common thread is that individuals comment they feel totally invisible, as though their presence is not observed or felt by others.

What does this signify? Is it actually becoming more prevalent? And, why does this happen to some people and not others?

I believe this is one of the symptoms, or side-effects, of the changes that occur energetically as we become more consciously aware. A great deal has been written about shifting from 3rd to 5th dimensional frequency, about shifting from lower density to holding higher vibrations, or as I channeled during the years I was connected to the energy of Edgar Cayce it’s about becoming multi-dimensional. 

Scientifically it’s been shown that all living things hold bio-photon energy within their cellular structure. Cayce (from channeled information) insists that the ‘junk DNA’ our bodies hold is being activated as there is a shift in consciousness, thereby increasing the amount of bio-photon light held by the body. Interestingly, I recently read a scientific article that supported this claim.

As we shift into the higher frequencies our bodies hold more light. Some individuals are shifting rapidly, others not so. The implication is that individuals whose bodies are more light filled may not be as physically visible to those whose frequencies are not on a similar wavelength.

It can be frustrating to be overlooked time and again. If this has happened to you I’m sure you’ll understand just what I’m saying. Getting served in restaurants, stores and institutions can become challenging. Even socializing at events can feel like a dismal affair. 

Rather than focusing on the annoyances I’ve found there are advantages to being ‘invisible’. Generally I am left alone to do ‘my thing’ – it is as though I am left to my own devices. Life definitely flows ever so much more effortlessly. There are certainly fewer interpersonal challenges. And, there is an enhanced feeling of being balanced and having inner stability. 

My experience of being invisible is not unique, as I’ve discussed the experiences with others who also find this happening. One of the biggest benefits is to health and wellbeing.

Sickness and susceptibility to viruses, bacteria and pathogens become a thing of the past. It’s a gradual process but over time it becomes apparent that the body functions in much healthier ways and remains healthy even when there are viruses that are seriously affecting the larger population.

In the channeled messages from Edgar Cayce he stated this was one of the outcomes that can be anticipated as our bodies hold more light. Given the huge amounts of money being spent annually on health related issues and conditions being ‘invisible’ can be considered advantageous.

If you are feeling challenged and are unsure of just how to shift your energy to higher frequencies I will be exploring this topic in greater depth in the February newsletter. 


Energy is Everything!

We are truly in the Age of Energy! The basic principles of Energy are:

  • Everything is energy
  • Energy can neither be created nor destroyed – merely transformed
  • It takes energy to move energy
  • Energy holds frequencies
  • These frequencies can be, and are, changed
  • We have the ability to consciously shift our energy frequency

What steps are you taking to shift your frequency? What changes are you experiencing as a result?