Are you Feeling the Call yet?

When I channeled the energy of Edgar Cayce he stressed – during the trance channelings – that we are living in a time of great Earth changes and that ultimately the structure of our civilization would change considerably.
Since the evolution into the Industrial Age humanity has come to experience a great distancing from Earth and all that sustains us as human beings. We have become isolated and separated from Source and from the true nature of who we are. 
All that is living has energy and is connected to the whole or larger cosmos. Everything that is living contains bio photon energy which pulsates to varying degrees. There has been a great deal of research into this phenomenon. Below is a link to a brief video that reminds us of this very profound energy connection that we share.
Because we are connected with everything energetically it then means we feel subtle shifts that are occurring elsewhere. 
It would appear that the subtle shifts are happening rapidly. I am noticing a number of changes in consciousness that are occurring at an almost unprecedented level.
1.  The desire to farm organically and locally is growing rapidly. It is exciting to see that rooftop farming is occurring in NY city, that community gardens are being established, that CSAs are increasing in numbers. More and more people are recognizing that the chemicalization of our food supplies is risky and detrimental to health and wellbeing.
If you are interested in learning more about the importance of re-establishing our connection with the Earth then I highly recommend the Anastasia series of books available via
2.  There is increasing resistance worldwide to the ongoing poisoning of our planet. This includes the rejection of genetically modified foods in most countries of the world. Monsanto and other chemical companies believe that they are invincible in their quest to control the world through chemicals and bio-engineering of our food chain. The resistance to this is growing daily and I intuitively feel that ultimately it’s the people in the States who will ensure that these practices no longer occur.
3.  Truth is being revealed at an ever increasing pace. Wikileaks is only one such example of this. Ironically, Bradley Manning (the person who provided Wikileaks with the information) attempted to give the information to both the Washington Post and the New York Times. His explanation for sharing the classified information is that the people of the United States had a right to know and he thought it would help the country.
This is only one example of the truth being revealed. Secrets, deception and lies are being revealed at a rapid rate. Expect to witness many more revelations of deceptions that have been perpetrated. Individuals are being guided to speak up, to share and to inform. 
4.  The desire to establish community, through sharing and working cooperatively is manifesting in many ways. Edgar Cayce, via the trance channelings, indicated that living collaboratively and in community would be commonplace in our new world order. An example that we are already witnessing is that of Iceland, where the people expelled the International Monetary Fund and the bankers responsible for their country’s debt. Instead, a new form of democracy has been establish – and with a new currency. 
There are more examples I could provide but I’m sure you can see that as a worldwide community we are in the midst of change. The world as we have known it cannot remain as it’s been. Because we are energy beings, and we are changing in our energy frequencies, then everything in our outer reality must also change – to reflect the changes occurring within.
So, what is this ‘call’ that I’m referring to? 
Are you feeling the desire to do something meaningful? Are you wanting to do something totally different? Are you finding that things which you previously tolerated are no longer tolerable?
This ‘call’ is, and can be, uncomfortable and even challenging. But then so is stepping out of one paradigm into something new and totally foreign. If you are feeling pulled into new directions it’s because your higher self, or soul self, is guiding you to make changes. They don’t have to drastic or severe to be effective. 
Allow yourself to experience new opportunities. Be open and receptive to new thought forms and processes. Allow yourself to release limiting beliefs. And, trust that ‘call’ — it’s your inner guidance system that is leading you away from separation and isolation into community and cooperation!
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