Make the Most of 2018

If you’re like me you’ll be glad to see the backside of 2017 and trusting that 2018 will herald positive changes and massive improvements. There is no doubt that the past twelve months have been challenging in so many ways. Globally, nationally, locally and personally – on every level there have been challenges, losses and uncertainty. Overall I’m not saying that everyone experienced something painful. However, gauging from reporting in the media and personal stories that have been recounted I get the distinct impression that 2017 was not one of the better years in recent history.

Allowing myself to become the observer I noticed that a lot of emotions surfaced, many of them fear based. Protests, intense anger, desolation, loss and more were all evident at different times during the year. I was able to reflect back to the information that I   channelled via the energy of Edgar Cayce some seven years ago. He shared that a process of deconstruction would happen. He further elaborated that this would break down systems, beliefs and anything that held old energies that were detrimental to the planet and humanity. This would be followed by reconstruction, a building of new systems that hold a higher consciousness. My thinking is that the deconstruction process was very evident last year.

I sense that 2018 will herald new growth and a continuation of the transformation in human consciousness. This transformation is very evident in many instances and heralds in the beginning of a new era on Earth. There is no doubt we still have quite a way to go but nevertheless the seeds of change have been planted and are germinating nicely. I feel that 2018 will be a year of more stability for those individuals who have undertaken the inner healing journey, who have let go of old, dated ideologies and who are supporting changes in creating a new, strong and healthy Earth.

Overall the process will take approximately a generation to be completed, but if you look closely you’ll observe the quiet signs of change happening. I find it evident in practically all conversations I have with total strangers. People are unaccepting of the status quo and are contributing in their own way to creating a safer, more balanced life for themselves, friends and families.

My personal mantras or guidelines for maintaining a relatively optimistic outlook include, but are not limited to:

Being the observer of situations, issues and events. This enables to you to question more deeply. What are the real issues? Who is responsible? Why is this happening? Insights and answers often pop up unexpectedly.

Observing without emotion or judgment. If there is an emotional reaction ask yourself, “What is within me that I need to heal?” or “What is triggering this response in me?”

Finding the positive, as much as possible in every situation. This is not always easy to do. However, remember that thoughts are powerful. What you focus on is what you get.

Knowing that nothing is permanent. Change happens all the time. Accept it and don’t fight it. Instead explore options and solutions when change impacts you strongly.

Loving and accepting who you are. This is probably one of the most difficult yet most important things you’ll ever do. Make 2018 the year in which you are your pet project. Inner work, self worth and acceptance create a positive vibe that in turn supports your life journey with greater ease and flow.

Make 2018 the best year yet. Follow your heart’s desires, trust your intuition, love and laugh like there’s no tomorrow.  

Love and joy



PERSONAL NOTE:  For a large part of 2017 I was figuratively chained to my computer, writing steadily and consistently. It was with huge relief that the final proofing and editing was completed on New Year’s Eve. I’ve signed with a publisher and hopefully the book will go into print sooner rather than later. Will keep you all posted closer to its release date!

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

How do you see yourself and the world at large at this point in time? Are you caught up in being right about a situation, having strong beliefs about how things should be? Or, are you finding fault about a lot of things that are happening in your community, country or globally? Do you blame others for the way things seem to be? Are you getting frustrated because there’s so much change happening and it’s unsettling, creating uncertainty? I could ask a lot more generic questions yet I suspect that on some level you’re beginning to understand what I’m attempting to say. 

Years ago I came across the above saying, “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”, and learned that it was a Shaman saying. It’s only now as I observe the upheaval, chaos and uncertainty globally that I’m seeing the full truth behind this statement. 

Allow me to make some observations. It seems that there’s a lot of anger surfacing in the States since the November presidential election, and that this anger continues to fester. At first it appeared (via the reports shown here in Australia) that the anticipated winner’s loss upset her supporters. Since then however there seems to be growing anger and righteousness expressed by her supporters, along with increasing smear campaigns and a great deal of ‘fake news’ being reported. It’s gotten to the stage that it’s difficult, or even impossible, to know what is the truth. However, the energy of anger, resentment, frustration doesn’t seem to be abating and possibly now it’s feeding itself because it’s become so intense. 

In Australia, the anti-Muslim energy is growing with definite polarities becoming evident within society. The protester clashes are becoming more violent. In fact, there are more protests occurring over a number of political issues, with vitriol, anger and increasing calls to action by those venting their frustrations with systems that are failing.

Worldwide there is massive change occurring – Brexit being one example, another indication is the jailing of Iceland’s corrupt bankers and politicians resulting in its withdrawal from the International Monetary Fund, there are massive public protests and rallies occurring in countless countries including Indonesia, South Korea, the South American continent, and so on.

In other words there seems to be a massive call for change, for improvement in systems and living conditions. Yet I ask myself whether there’s any likelihood of real and lasting change when the energy of simmering rage, frustration and anger continues unabated. History has taught us that change from upheaval, coups and violence doesn’t work, it only produces more of the same in the long run. So, what are viable options for creating positive change?


Take Nothing Personally

Wow, now that’s a strong statement. How is it possible to take nothing personally when there are things taking place that are distasteful, wrong, and unlawful? Over 20 years ago I came across this wisdom and it’s been invaluable. When encountering something that is upsetting there are three possible options for dealing with that situation. If it’s none of your business then let it be; if it’s about you or affects you then it’s up to you to make changes, providing those changes are made in integrity; and if it’s up to someone else to fix then let them. 

Nowadays I recommend that thought processes include both love and compassion, many times daily. When a situation arises over which there is no personal control, but which exerts a negative response within, then sending love, compassion and healing to that person or situation is far more productive than holding onto anger or frustration. The benefits of large group meditation in changing an energy or situation have been well demonstrated time and again. Now, more than ever it’s important to let go of attachment or expectations around other people, circumstances and instead send the powerful healing vibration of love.

Let Go Of Ego

How much of the anger being expressed is ego feeding on the dramas? In his book, A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle he explores the many facets of ego and it’s a must read book for everyone! Once you understand the extent to which responses and perceptions are governed by ego’s need for instability, drama and emotional dissatisfaction you’ll then begin to harness its damaging impact and begin to make subtle shifts in both perception and in how you deal with situations and issues.

It’s understandable that frustration and anger surface when situations become untenable. Yet, there are positive and healthy ways of channeling that anger so that it can become a constructive energy of change and growth. Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks listed an emotional scale, with depression as the lowest of emotions and bliss as the highest and a whole range of other emotions between those two. Interestingly anger was listed as being just above depression and in the discourse Abraham indicated that anger, when used constructively can bring about positive changes.

Ego demands instant gratification, via outbursts, emotional upheaval and uncertainty, feelings of righteousness, and more. Instead of feeding this need it’s far healthier to engage in practices that foster problem solving, calmness, co-operation. Simple activities such as meditation, listening to gentle music, deep breathing and consciously letting go of ego’s demand for action allows you to be in the moment, to become appreciative and to express gratitude. 

Live in the Moment

Being fully present in the moment is a state that is often aspired to, but one which can be more challenging to maintain. Right now, due to the uncertainty and turmoil in the world, you have no choice but to focus your energy and attention to what is happening right now. Everything may change in a heartbeat, tomorrow is still a long time away. Being fully present in whatever you are doing enables you to fully embrace that experience, regardless of its significance or otherwise. Often the mindless moments are the most important. Simply appreciating nature or the feel of your breath or the wind in your hair can lift a mood into one of simply being one with all that is.

What can you do in the moment that can make a difference to your wellbeing and to that of others? Being fully present with whatever is occurring is a gift; it means that your mind, and possibly ego, are not focused elsewhere. You are directing energy consciously, rather than being distracted by all sorts of mental gymnastics where your mind imagines worst case scenarios.

Another significant benefit of living in the moment is that it has real health benefits. It’s well documented that thoughts and words have an energy impact. The research by Dr Emoto attests to the power of both positive and negative thoughts on frozen water molecules. As the human body is over 70% water it’s worthwhile reframing negative thoughts into positives at every opportunity because whatever you think has an impact. When being fully present in the moment there’s an added benefit as there’s less thinking and with that reduced stress on the body.

Everyone is a Mirror

The outer world is a reflection of the inner. The current worldwide unrest reflects the inner turmoil that’s within humanity. The conscious collective is undergoing a massive shift and all that is residing within and has been festering for eons is finally erupting. And, it’s not necessarily a pretty sight but nevertheless is a significant part of the change process. When you feel anger, impatience or other emotions around a person or situation ask ‘What is that showing me about myself? Why am I reacting so strongly?’

What you see in others is what you have within. What annoys you about someone reflects something that you need to heal. In her book, The Body is the Barometer of the Soul, Annette Noontil shares a personal story. Her intolerance of and anger towards people who litter was intense. When she meditated on what she herself needed to heal she received a clear message that while she didn’t actually litter stuff she wasted lots of time. In wasting time she was littering her energy on little things.

Once this process of self analysis and understanding takes place any intolerance and anger towards others dissolves as self healing takes place. The actions of others provide a perfect opportunity for inner growth and shifting awareness, resulting in increased acceptance and tolerance of whatever is occurring elsewhere.

Remember the Big Picture

It is all too easy to focus on the little things that are creating discordant energies and dissatisfaction. However, it’s important from time to time to stop and reflect on all that’s been learned in your journey. Prior to incarnating you knew that you would be coming into a world filled with turmoil, just as you knew that this turmoil would precede positive changes. Without the turmoil and uncertainty there can be no changes!

When I channeled the energy of Edgar Cayce he stated, many times, that this would be a process involving both pain and discomfort. However, he also pointed out that this process would ultimately result in many years of peace on the planet.

This is what I mean when I suggest that you remember the big picture. There are two possible options ahead for humanity and the planet. The first, which is ultimate destruction of all is a possibility, yet is not one that I’ll even put any energy into exploring. The second option is the one that Edgar Cayce stressed – a balanced and healthy world, where peace and harmony are predominant. It is this big picture that I know is possible. It’s possible because you have the ability to maintain steadfast with positive determination, to maintain a vibration of love towards everyone and everything. It’s the power of love, compassion and acceptance of what is happening that will eventually become the overriding frequency that supports the changes constructively.

At every opportunity – countless times daily – I encourage you to send love and healing to humanity, to Earth and to situations that sorely need to be lifted into that vibration. The more this is done by everyone the stronger and more dominant it becomes, until such time that a tipping point is reached and a complete shift occurs.

Jointly we have the power to make this shift – it’s up to you and I and everyone else to be the way showers in this regard. Remember, energy flows where attention goes!

Loving Compassion Heals

This is just too good to pass up. Written by Jim Guerci and is shared with his permission. It was written in response to a proposed group demonstration against the practice of homosexuality.

” One of the biggest diseases in our world is auto-immune disease. This is when the body fights itself. The body’s defenses are turned onto itself causing the whole body to become disabled. I see that when we are fighting each other, we become an auto-immune disease in the body of humanity. 
 The intention of love and compassion towards those who choose to fight will offer a frequency and harmonic note for all to synchronize. The laws of physics teach us that law of synchronicity applies to all. We will always synchronize to the strongest and highest frequency. Perhaps the frequency of love and compassion will offer a new melody to right the harmonics. Since we are all one, we need to envision a harmonic frequency to enter all humanity. There is no one to fight. There is only ourselves we heal. 

One Tibetan Monk when interviewed about his capture and torture at the hands of the Chinese government was asked by the reporter, “What did you fear the most during these events?” He calmly responded, “That I would lose compassion for my captures.” His words clear the way for love and compassion in the most dire of circumstances. 

My heart goes out to all those who harbor hate for hate is destructive in all forms. If one allows it in their minds, it will pollute it and the result is that person extinguishing their compassion – their humanity and thus creating a soulless being void of the feeling of love which unifies us all. Let’s set the intention of healing, love and compassion not towards anyone. Let it be the harmonic note rise from a collective intention for all to synchronize.”

Managing the Challenges of 2012

We are now more than half way through 2012. Is it unfolding as you had expected or anticipated? Or, did you think that the year would become relatively easy as it nears December? Most people I encounter comment on the intensity of the energies, the constant challenges and also the depth of pain that is being experienced.

Why is this happening? What does it portend for the remaining months of the year? And, will things eventually become easier, calmer and more joyful?

More than ten years ago I channeled – many times – that we would be coming to a time of rapid change. It is interesting to observe that the information relating to these changes is now evident to my eyes.

What are some of the significant changes that were ‘forecast’?

  • There would be an overwhelming amount of media information available. This is obvious as we are being inundated with information from the media and technology/communications networks. There are more books being written than ever before, many individuals are feeling inspired to share their thoughts and experiences.
  • All that has been hidden and kept secret would be revealed. This we see constantly as more whistle blowers reveal the dirty secrets of organizations and people in power.
  • There would be many individuals who would claim to be the truth tellers. There is no shortage of individuals claiming to know what the current world situations mean and who offer opportunities for redemption.
  • The disintegration of organizations and structures would also begin. We are certainly seeing this happening in the financial markets, the housing industry, trade agreements, etc.
  • An increase in illnesses and conditions for which the medical profession would have no clear labels or ability to accurately diagnose. This is something that I encounter more frequently as I hear clients’ stories.
  • Earth changes are inevitable. This is so that Earth can clear the heavy energy she has been carrying for humanity and from there transform into the higher frequencies – as she is destined to do.
  • Many souls would choose to depart the Earth plane. They would be going ‘home’, back to the Light, as the intensity of the changes would be too intense for them.

All the above are already evident in our rapidly changing global community. It is all too easy to focus on what is not ‘right’ or on what feels uncomfortable or threatening. Yet, the information channeled all those years ago also provided clear insight as to how to minimize the impact of the changes. Some of the suggestions include (but are not limited to):

1.   Learn discernment. This means getting in touch with your inner guidance system (gut feeling/intuition ) and trusting what feels right or not right for you.
2.   Realize and accept that all that’s happening is an external manifestation of the inner chaos that is occurring. You have a choice as to whether or not you wish to engage with those energies or to remain the detached observer.
3.   Find your center of balance and remain within it. This means observing, sending love and trusting that whatever is happening is for the highest good of all.
4,   Spend time in nature. Connect with the Earth energies as they help clear and balance your energy field.
5.   Shift into a state of unconditional love. This is humanitarian love and comes from within, from the heart center and is not a state of mind – it’s a state of being.
6.   Focus on becoming the very best that you can be. Allow others to do the same for themselves.
7.   Accept that the shift into the higher frequencies is occurring with a great deal of guidance and support from the cosmic universe. This means that there are times when it is painful – use these as opportunities for growth and increased awareness.

When I channeled the energy of Edgar Cayce he made it abundantly clear that 2012 would end up being whatever we made it, and that it’s up to us to determine the reality we choose to experience.

Let’s endeavor to spend the remaining months of 2012 in a state of awareness, gratitude and love. The more we do this the more we manifest a reality that reflects that intention! I realize that sometimes it’s challenging to feel gratitude and love when confronted by a challenging situation. Yet, that is precisely the best time to do this, as immediately it begins to change the energy of whatever challenge is being experienced.

A simple mantra to begin each day is: “I am grateful for the experiences I have today as they enable me to evolve and live in greater harmony.”

And, at the end of each day remember to express gratitude for that day’s experiences and the opportunities they have presented.