Loving Compassion Heals

This is just too good to pass up. Written by Jim Guerci and is shared with his permission. It was written in response to a proposed group demonstration against the practice of homosexuality.

” One of the biggest diseases in our world is auto-immune disease. This is when the body fights itself. The body’s defenses are turned onto itself causing the whole body to become disabled. I see that when we are fighting each other, we become an auto-immune disease in the body of humanity. 
 The intention of love and compassion towards those who choose to fight will offer a frequency and harmonic note for all to synchronize. The laws of physics teach us that law of synchronicity applies to all. We will always synchronize to the strongest and highest frequency. Perhaps the frequency of love and compassion will offer a new melody to right the harmonics. Since we are all one, we need to envision a harmonic frequency to enter all humanity. There is no one to fight. There is only ourselves we heal. 

One Tibetan Monk when interviewed about his capture and torture at the hands of the Chinese government was asked by the reporter, “What did you fear the most during these events?” He calmly responded, “That I would lose compassion for my captures.” His words clear the way for love and compassion in the most dire of circumstances. 

My heart goes out to all those who harbor hate for hate is destructive in all forms. If one allows it in their minds, it will pollute it and the result is that person extinguishing their compassion – their humanity and thus creating a soulless being void of the feeling of love which unifies us all. Let’s set the intention of healing, love and compassion not towards anyone. Let it be the harmonic note rise from a collective intention for all to synchronize.”

You Know Best!

It is interesting to note the tendency we have to constantly seek reassurance that our intentions are ‘right’. Such oft asked questions as: “Am I on the right path?” or “Which direction should I take?” are indications of indecisiveness and uncertainty.

When did we become so disempowered in our own decision making ability? Why do we believe that other people actually know more about our direction and life choices than we do?

Unfortunately I believe that we, as a society, have become so accustomed to believing that experts have the correct answers to all of life’s issues and problems. We seek the expert knowledge of attorneys, doctors, dentists, therapists, psychics, etc to just about every concern that arises – often without even checking in with our inner wisdom. We’ve come to believe that we do not know what is in our best interests, and therefore hand over decision-making responsibility to authority figures.

Ultimately this leads to a complete level of disempowerment. Every decision that needs to be made has the potential to become a huge exercise in questioning, doubting, finding the pros and cons etc. which also has the potential to increase anxiety levels and fear – and possibly result in the manifestation of physical health issues.

A simple way of determining whether or not a certain course of action is to be taken is to get a sense of what your feelings are instead of questioning endlessly. We are all given intuitive abilities for good reason – to guide us through this maze of life’s challenges and experiences.

The human body is a wonderful barometer of what your deeper feelings are on practically every issue and subject. To determine if your body likes something, or feels a certain direction is desired, merely ask your body to ‘show’ you via feeling sensations its positive response. Then do the same as you direct it to give you its indicator feeling to negative responses. Once you have an awareness of your body’s natural response mechanisms then it’s merely a matter of responding according to its responses in the numerous life situations that arise.

The more you listen to your body’s response to situations and issues the clearer you become. Over time you will intuitively know simple things like whether or not a physical discomfort really requires a visit to the doctor or whether you have a natural remedy available that will do the job perfect – or whether it is really in your best interest to go to the gym despite the fact that you feel exhausted.

There are so many instances where your body communicates its needs clearly and strongly. By taking the time to learn the body’s responses you are strengthening your intuitive ability and over time you will ‘know’ immediately what is in your best interests. Then you will realize that you do indeed know best!




Ease and Grace – a Possibility or Illusion?

The thought of a life of ease and grace holds great appeal, especially when stress, conflict and challenges continually surface. New Age and spiritual teachings have certainly taught us that it is possible to live in a state of bliss, and this is certainly worth aspiring to. Yet, given the nature of the reality we have co-created within our communities, nationally and globally how is it really possible to attain even a state of ease, much less inner peace? 

A common theme expressed by clients is the desire to live with less stress, more freedom and greater joy. However, when it comes to seriously giving consideration to basic lifestyle needs it becomes challenging to contemplate making changes that will enhance the quality of life.

It seems – from my observations over many years – that countless individuals are now at a ‘crunch’ time in their lives. Employment, finances, relationships, friendships and family issues are in some way impeding free will and also creating significant stress. The desire for change is great though may seem impossible to create, adding further fuel to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.

The conundrum is self-evident. The yearning for improvement in lifestyle and relationships intensifies while the feeling of being caught up in a never-ending cycle of life circumstances prevents real and positive change from occurring. How is it possible to commence the change process? What is needed to begin the journey into living with greater ease and grace?

There are a number of recommendations I suggest as being worthwhile. They include:

  • stop the pattern of continual thinking. This, while it sounds impossible, is actually the first step to creating a new, improved reality. While channeling Edgar Cayce he strongly recommended using breath work as a mechanism for bringing attention into the now moment. When doing this the constant mental gymnastics that create inner conflict ceases and brings about a feeling of distance from the challenges, resulting in increased clarity around concerns and issues;
  • ensure that daily gratitude practice is undertaken. This practice is expressed in the present tense, never as a future outcome. Gratitude practice is a powerful tool for manifesting change;
  • spend time in nature and sunshine. Taking time out from the demands of life offers an opportunity to shift perspective, clear the mind and refresh the spirit;
  • let go of the need to be responsible for everyone else. Allow others the opportunity to grow and learn as they take on the reins of responsibility for their life. This allows you to enjoy the beauty that exists in your reality and which you may have lost sight of;
  • meditate daily. There are many forms of meditation, find one that resonates and use this time to rejuvenate yourself;
  • believe in your ability to create the desired changes; and
  • take regular small steps in making change. As you change your thinking everything changes. As you let go of attachments you free yourself to experience greater joy. As you engage in creative pursuits you then find creative solutions to life’s concerns.

There is only the now moment. It is yours to use wisely or to squander. Over time there have been many profound teachings and words of wisdom to provide guidance. I feel this statement, by the famous ‘Unknown’ provides a sound basis for reflection:  “If you are depressed you are living in the past; if you are anxious you are living in the future; if you are at peace you are living in the moment.”

Start now and you will find that many small changes add up. Over time you will feel improvement in thinking and feelings, ultimately resulting in a life of greater ease and grace. 

Taking a Positive Spin….

In the past few days the northeast of the United States has been pounded by intense weather patterns – referred to as a ‘super storm’. The damage is extensive and the cleaning up process will most likely continue for weeks, if not months!

However, is what has happened really a disaster? Or, does it offer an opportunity for change? It’s a well researched fact that individuals facing a health challenge respond better to treatment when there’s a positive and determined attitude to the healing process. So, I have to ask the question:  ‘how does the psychology of positive thinking apply in situations such as natural disasters’?

It is all too easy to dwell on the extent of the damage that’s occurred and to take a defeatist or negative attitude to the whole situation.  Yet, I don’t for a moment believe that the majority of individuals affected are feeling negative or angry. In such situations most individuals accept what has occurred and then do what needs to be done to rectify the damage that has occurred.

I believe that super storm Sandy is definitely a catalyst for creating tolerance, a sense of community and instituting forward planning.  It is no coincidence that this event occurred a week before the presidential election and also at the beginning of the holiday season – Halloween seems to be the starting point of celebrations and social gatherings in the States.

So, how is it possible to take a positive outlook on the devastation that’s occurred? These are some of the points that I’ve considered, and I’m sure you’ll also have some to add! No list is ever exhaustive.

1.  It shifts our focus to humanitarian issues relating to survival and basic needs/comforts.

2. It places the presidential race on a lower level in our consciousness (for many people anyway). We are afforded an opportunity to reassess our priorities.

3.  Nature has an amazing cleansing action. I wonder how many negative and stagnant energies have been swept away?

4. Rebuilding efforts are likely to reduce the unemployment numbers in our communities.

5. Once again we have an opportunity to create community – as all catastrophes provide!

6. It shifts the focus from ‘me/I’ to ‘we’. A powerful reminder that we are all One.

7. We are reminded of our own powers, as this is an opportunity for prayer, meditation and sending healing.

And…… you add your insights to this list!

As a dear friend said many years ago, ‘You can choose to be happy or sad. It’s not possible to be both at the same time. You choose!’ That statement applies as much to daily affairs as it does to natural disasters.

November 1, 2012



Become Aware of the Breath

We tend to take breathing for granted. As it’s an autonomic response in the body we just breathe without thinking or feeling the experience.

How about taking the opportunity to just stop still for several minute and use that time to focus and feel the breath. Feel where the breath circulates within your body, feel it’s vibration, feel its warmth.

Breath is also known as prana (breath of life). We couldn’t exist without it – yet we overlook it’s vital importance in bringing prana to every cell, atom and molecule in the body. We also overlook it’s powerfully restorative properties.

Anyone studying qi gong, tai chi or yoga knows how healing deep and relaxing breathing can be.

Best of all, consciously focusing on the breath results in generating a feeling of being in the moment.  It feels as though time stands still and nothing exists but the breath in the now moment!!

Energy is Everything!

We are truly in the Age of Energy! The basic principles of Energy are:

  • Everything is energy
  • Energy can neither be created nor destroyed – merely transformed
  • It takes energy to move energy
  • Energy holds frequencies
  • These frequencies can be, and are, changed
  • We have the ability to consciously shift our energy frequency

What steps are you taking to shift your frequency? What changes are you experiencing as a result?