Is Less Really More?


If you are interested in feng shui then you’ll be very familiar with the concept that clutter creates energy blockages. This in turn is said to result in possible situations such as confused or stagnant thinking, lack of forward movement with life’s goals, lack of direction or purpose and even muddled emotions. Do any of these sound familiar? Are you in some way experiencing stagnation in your life? If so, what can you do to release any and all impediments to success?

There is no doubt that undertaking a major clean out of home and office brings about feelings of lightness, clarity and freshness. Anyone who spends a day or more purging belongings attests to these feelings.

However, there is another aspect to this, one that is generally not acknowledged or even explored by most people. Some years ago I became aware of the importance of letting go of my story – all the reasons for my beliefs and actions, all the countless experiences that produce the sum of the persona presented to the world.

It was with some amazement when I clearly heard, and came to understand the words “Let go of your story”. After hearing those words in my head I had the immediate awareness and understanding that all past experiences, beliefs, values etc are literally an energetic ball and chain that prevent you from living fully in the present. Every time you present yourself to the world via your story you are actually placing your energy in past memories, emotions and events, and these actually prevent you from living in the precious Now moment.

How often have you shared your story with friends, colleagues, even strangers and felt the heaviness, or weight, of those experiences as you recount them once again? When this happens you are once again reconnecting with and feeling those situations, which then drains you energetically and distracts you from enjoying and embracing new opportunities.

As time compresses even further – and there’s no doubt that time is speeding up – the past has less relevancy to current issues and situations. So what is likely to happen when you ditch your story, stop sharing it and let go of the emotional attachment? Apart from feeling lighter, calmer and clearer you actually are in a space where there is less likelihood of repeating past patterns, being stuck in old paradigms or reacting in fear to new and unfamiliar situations.

Letting go of your story, however, is not as easy as it sounds especially if you have used your financial situation, past hardships, health issues etc as a means of identifying with the world – and also as a means of identifying yourself! Often without a story there is a lack of identity, a lack of defining oneself and one’s role within family, community and the global dynamics. You literally may feel like an empty vessel. All that has bound and defined you no longer exists. There is no one to blame or attach to emotionally.

When you reach this stage of fully letting go of your story, knowing it has served its purpose but is no longer required as a crutch then you are fully ready to embrace the feeling that you are nothing (letting go of ego attachments), and that less is more. This may sound rather ironic but it actually occurs in this manner. Without a story or a means of identifying or defining self there is merely you, the energetic all powerful you, present in the moment with limitless potentialities. Sometimes all that happens is the simple experience of being in the moment, of feeling the fluid energies of life flowing through your physical vessel. Other times when in this empty state new, creative and life affirming intuitions flow strongly.

Once you decide to let go of your story you will begin to experience the magic of not only living in the present moment, you will experience your unlimited potential often in areas and opportunities that were unthinkable and could not happen because you were holding so tightly onto your story that there was no room for anything else to transpire.

In a truly loving and harmonious community there is no room for living in the past, of holding onto emotional attachments or of defining oneself according to egoic tendencies. Shifting to a new paradigm requires willingness to make changes and letting go of old stories. Changes are required on both the physical and energetic levels, and these changes require conscious awareness and commitment! Let go of your story and enjoy the boundless opportunities and miracles that are likely to manifest!

Bente Hansen ©

May 2013

Riding the Waves of Change

Holiday season is a time for spending quality moments with family and friends, and reflecting on the important things in life. It also happens to be one of the most stressful times of the year.

Currently we are experiencing some incredibly intense energies as our planet and solar system are moving further into the photon belt. This phenomenon occurs every twenty-four to twenty-six thousand years (depending on which school of thought you follow). When this happens there is a significant shift in vibration, shifting everything into much higher frequencies.

While this is something that can be discussed academically, and which we may think really doesn’t impact us greatly, the truth is that we have been impacted and affected by these changes for some years. The intensity of these energetic changes, however, has dramatically increased in recent months.

Currently stress, tension and anxiety seem to be highly prevalent in our society. It’s easy to lay the blame for this occurrence on our economic climate, erratic weather conditions, poor crop harvests and on declining employment opportunities. These, however, are merely indicators of the significant shift that is occurring.

As the intensity of the higher energetic frequencies impact our physical bodies we find ourselves in a state of dissatisfaction and flux. Some of the indicators that are evident within society include:  relationships ending;  family dissension;  employment dissatisfaction;  friendship dissolution;  change of residence/locality;  and increasing suicides.

While the above factors may all be viewed as potential disasters they in fact indicate that on a deep level there is significant inner change occurring. Anything and everything that is of a lower vibration cannot – and will not – survive and flourish in the higher frequencies.

This means that lower frequency energies that once held relationships together no longer do so, employment situations that are detrimental to one’s highest good will change, etc.

The process of shifting from the lower frequency into the higher frequency vibrations is not without its challenges. There is often great mental and emotional pain. At times there is physical manifestation, in terms of illness conditions.

So, how can we best ride the waves of change with minimum impact on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing?

There are no hard and fast guidelines. Each person is unique and has a unique biochemistry. What may work beautifully for one individual may have no impact on another’s state of wellbeing.

Some suggestions that may provide assistance in coping with the intense stress and anxiety that is occurring at the moment include:

1.  Begin each day with a heartfelt expression of gratitude. This may relate to some particular aspect of your life, or it may be more general.

2.  Undertake daily recreation and relaxation activity – this may include walking, gardening, swimming, meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc. Anything and everything that helps lower stress levels. This does not include competitive activities!

3.  When a challenging situation arises over which you have absolutely no control, remind yourself gently, “This too shall pass”. A very powerful statement that assists in letting go of attachment and expectation.

4.  Deal with issues as they arise, instead of putting them to one side and worrying needlessly.

5.  Avoid stimulants and activities that induce a ‘flight or fight’ response in your body. This may mean no longer watching drama or action television last thing at night – but you will sleep so much better!

6.  Remove all electrical appliances from your bedroom and sleep in the dark – your body will heal as you sleep without the interference from ‘dirty electricity’ emitted by appliances.

7.  When a situation arises ask yourself, “Is this my problem?” If it is then deal with it. If it’s not then allow the person responsible to handle the issue/s.

8.  Let go of the need to control and learn to Trust.

9.  Worry less and laugh more.

10.  Take time daily to be in nature. Smell the roses, hug a tree and allow your body to enjoy and absorb the sun’s healing rays.

I am sure there are many other practical and helpful suggestions to reduce the stress of the changing times. It’s up to you to find the methods of letting go and relaxing that work for you – and when you do, then stick with those methods.

If you have other suggestions I welcome them. Just share your comments for others to read and adopt! We are all in this together, and the more we support one another and develop a sense of community the less stressful the whole process of shifting into the new and higher frequencies will be.