2019 – New Year, New Energies

Hi Everyone

It feels as though I’m finally coming out of my self-imposed semi-retirement. It’s definitely been a long time since I deeply felt the urge to get back into the fray on more than a part-time basis. When I reflect on the past five to six years it’s apparent that I’ve truly needed this time ‘out’. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to simply try my hand at different things, to explore opportunities other than continuing on, doing what I’ve been doing almost non-stop since I commenced working full time in my particular speciality twenty years ago.

In many ways these past few years have felt aimless and uncertain. Many a time I’ve felt as though maybe it was time to once again become intent and serious about working full time. Yet every time that urge surfaced it disappeared just as quickly, often leaving me feeling dissatisfied and confused. Now, finally, there’s certainty and surety as to direction and purpose.

The reason I’m sharing this particular bit of personal information is because I’m not the only one who’s been uncertain, who’s had to deal with stops and starts in life and business direction and has experienced real confusion. But, the good news is that this is the year for clarity, purpose, direction and motivation to beckon and thrive.

2018 was a year of unrest, uncertainty and turmoil on every level. By this I mean it was a wonderful, yet distressing year worldwide. It was a year of purging old energies. It was a year of confronting fears and demons. Witnessing and experiencing the many facets of hatred, pain, violence, anger and uncertainty was something that as a collective we needed to experience.

2019 promises so much more. If you’ve been following the astrology indications for 2019 you’ll know that we’re in for more upheaval for part of the year, but that ultimately there’s the potential for massive positive changes. For many of us the veil has thinned significantly and intuitive abilities have become amplified. Others are finding greater clarity and strength in regards to purpose and direction. Some are finding that their inner pain is rapidly becoming a thing of the past as they’re connecting more easily with their heart center.

In some instances this year will be a year of significant change, in others not so much. It all depends on what your soul signed up for prior to embodiment. However, there are a few points I believe that need to be stressed for this year.

Right now is the time to Walk Your Talk. Whoever you are and whatever you are here to do this is truly the time to live that aspect of yourself to the fullest. Talk and share your knowing and truths. This is not the time to hide your light under a bushel or to pretend otherwise in order to fit in with others’ beliefs and perceptions. The mass awakening and shift in consciousness is happening rapidly. Your knowledge, skills and wisdom are definitely needed.

Let go of old beliefs, biases and anything that creates angst within you. 2018 was filled with criticism, judgment and anger with a great deal of vitriol expressed via social media. This is not an energy that is supported in 2019. Whatever you are still feeling in terms of intolerance, hatred etc will rebound and you’ll feel the brunt of your own emotions and words come back like a boomerang. Right now a healthy motto would be Live and Let Live.

If you have not yet figured out your purpose then don’t fret. When the time is right it will come to you. Instead allow life to flow through you. Find the magic and joy. Find inner peace and inner harmony. For some individuals 2019 is the year in which their sense of purpose strengthens, but it will only surface when the inner landscape is at peace.

Some individuals have a mission, and 2019 is the year when the energy supports this development. Mission is different to purpose. Every embodied soul has a purpose, whether that purpose be to learn, to understand love, to be creative. A mission is for the greater good of humanity. It exists outside an individual’s personal development and growth. 2019 holds an energy that magnifies intention. Make it work for you!

Finally, I’m often reminded of The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz), artfully expressed yet incredibly powerful. Simply remembering and applying them to all facets of your life will truly make a difference this year. They are:

  • Take nothing personally
  • Make no assumptions
  • Be impeccable with your word
  • Always do your very best

Love and bliss

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

How do you see yourself and the world at large at this point in time? Are you caught up in being right about a situation, having strong beliefs about how things should be? Or, are you finding fault about a lot of things that are happening in your community, country or globally? Do you blame others for the way things seem to be? Are you getting frustrated because there’s so much change happening and it’s unsettling, creating uncertainty? I could ask a lot more generic questions yet I suspect that on some level you’re beginning to understand what I’m attempting to say. 

Years ago I came across the above saying, “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”, and learned that it was a Shaman saying. It’s only now as I observe the upheaval, chaos and uncertainty globally that I’m seeing the full truth behind this statement. 

Allow me to make some observations. It seems that there’s a lot of anger surfacing in the States since the November presidential election, and that this anger continues to fester. At first it appeared (via the reports shown here in Australia) that the anticipated winner’s loss upset her supporters. Since then however there seems to be growing anger and righteousness expressed by her supporters, along with increasing smear campaigns and a great deal of ‘fake news’ being reported. It’s gotten to the stage that it’s difficult, or even impossible, to know what is the truth. However, the energy of anger, resentment, frustration doesn’t seem to be abating and possibly now it’s feeding itself because it’s become so intense. 

In Australia, the anti-Muslim energy is growing with definite polarities becoming evident within society. The protester clashes are becoming more violent. In fact, there are more protests occurring over a number of political issues, with vitriol, anger and increasing calls to action by those venting their frustrations with systems that are failing.

Worldwide there is massive change occurring – Brexit being one example, another indication is the jailing of Iceland’s corrupt bankers and politicians resulting in its withdrawal from the International Monetary Fund, there are massive public protests and rallies occurring in countless countries including Indonesia, South Korea, the South American continent, and so on.

In other words there seems to be a massive call for change, for improvement in systems and living conditions. Yet I ask myself whether there’s any likelihood of real and lasting change when the energy of simmering rage, frustration and anger continues unabated. History has taught us that change from upheaval, coups and violence doesn’t work, it only produces more of the same in the long run. So, what are viable options for creating positive change?


Take Nothing Personally

Wow, now that’s a strong statement. How is it possible to take nothing personally when there are things taking place that are distasteful, wrong, and unlawful? Over 20 years ago I came across this wisdom and it’s been invaluable. When encountering something that is upsetting there are three possible options for dealing with that situation. If it’s none of your business then let it be; if it’s about you or affects you then it’s up to you to make changes, providing those changes are made in integrity; and if it’s up to someone else to fix then let them. 

Nowadays I recommend that thought processes include both love and compassion, many times daily. When a situation arises over which there is no personal control, but which exerts a negative response within, then sending love, compassion and healing to that person or situation is far more productive than holding onto anger or frustration. The benefits of large group meditation in changing an energy or situation have been well demonstrated time and again. Now, more than ever it’s important to let go of attachment or expectations around other people, circumstances and instead send the powerful healing vibration of love.

Let Go Of Ego

How much of the anger being expressed is ego feeding on the dramas? In his book, A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle he explores the many facets of ego and it’s a must read book for everyone! Once you understand the extent to which responses and perceptions are governed by ego’s need for instability, drama and emotional dissatisfaction you’ll then begin to harness its damaging impact and begin to make subtle shifts in both perception and in how you deal with situations and issues.

It’s understandable that frustration and anger surface when situations become untenable. Yet, there are positive and healthy ways of channeling that anger so that it can become a constructive energy of change and growth. Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks listed an emotional scale, with depression as the lowest of emotions and bliss as the highest and a whole range of other emotions between those two. Interestingly anger was listed as being just above depression and in the discourse Abraham indicated that anger, when used constructively can bring about positive changes.

Ego demands instant gratification, via outbursts, emotional upheaval and uncertainty, feelings of righteousness, and more. Instead of feeding this need it’s far healthier to engage in practices that foster problem solving, calmness, co-operation. Simple activities such as meditation, listening to gentle music, deep breathing and consciously letting go of ego’s demand for action allows you to be in the moment, to become appreciative and to express gratitude. 

Live in the Moment

Being fully present in the moment is a state that is often aspired to, but one which can be more challenging to maintain. Right now, due to the uncertainty and turmoil in the world, you have no choice but to focus your energy and attention to what is happening right now. Everything may change in a heartbeat, tomorrow is still a long time away. Being fully present in whatever you are doing enables you to fully embrace that experience, regardless of its significance or otherwise. Often the mindless moments are the most important. Simply appreciating nature or the feel of your breath or the wind in your hair can lift a mood into one of simply being one with all that is.

What can you do in the moment that can make a difference to your wellbeing and to that of others? Being fully present with whatever is occurring is a gift; it means that your mind, and possibly ego, are not focused elsewhere. You are directing energy consciously, rather than being distracted by all sorts of mental gymnastics where your mind imagines worst case scenarios.

Another significant benefit of living in the moment is that it has real health benefits. It’s well documented that thoughts and words have an energy impact. The research by Dr Emoto attests to the power of both positive and negative thoughts on frozen water molecules. As the human body is over 70% water it’s worthwhile reframing negative thoughts into positives at every opportunity because whatever you think has an impact. When being fully present in the moment there’s an added benefit as there’s less thinking and with that reduced stress on the body.

Everyone is a Mirror

The outer world is a reflection of the inner. The current worldwide unrest reflects the inner turmoil that’s within humanity. The conscious collective is undergoing a massive shift and all that is residing within and has been festering for eons is finally erupting. And, it’s not necessarily a pretty sight but nevertheless is a significant part of the change process. When you feel anger, impatience or other emotions around a person or situation ask ‘What is that showing me about myself? Why am I reacting so strongly?’

What you see in others is what you have within. What annoys you about someone reflects something that you need to heal. In her book, The Body is the Barometer of the Soul, Annette Noontil shares a personal story. Her intolerance of and anger towards people who litter was intense. When she meditated on what she herself needed to heal she received a clear message that while she didn’t actually litter stuff she wasted lots of time. In wasting time she was littering her energy on little things.

Once this process of self analysis and understanding takes place any intolerance and anger towards others dissolves as self healing takes place. The actions of others provide a perfect opportunity for inner growth and shifting awareness, resulting in increased acceptance and tolerance of whatever is occurring elsewhere.

Remember the Big Picture

It is all too easy to focus on the little things that are creating discordant energies and dissatisfaction. However, it’s important from time to time to stop and reflect on all that’s been learned in your journey. Prior to incarnating you knew that you would be coming into a world filled with turmoil, just as you knew that this turmoil would precede positive changes. Without the turmoil and uncertainty there can be no changes!

When I channeled the energy of Edgar Cayce he stated, many times, that this would be a process involving both pain and discomfort. However, he also pointed out that this process would ultimately result in many years of peace on the planet.

This is what I mean when I suggest that you remember the big picture. There are two possible options ahead for humanity and the planet. The first, which is ultimate destruction of all is a possibility, yet is not one that I’ll even put any energy into exploring. The second option is the one that Edgar Cayce stressed – a balanced and healthy world, where peace and harmony are predominant. It is this big picture that I know is possible. It’s possible because you have the ability to maintain steadfast with positive determination, to maintain a vibration of love towards everyone and everything. It’s the power of love, compassion and acceptance of what is happening that will eventually become the overriding frequency that supports the changes constructively.

At every opportunity – countless times daily – I encourage you to send love and healing to humanity, to Earth and to situations that sorely need to be lifted into that vibration. The more this is done by everyone the stronger and more dominant it becomes, until such time that a tipping point is reached and a complete shift occurs.

Jointly we have the power to make this shift – it’s up to you and I and everyone else to be the way showers in this regard. Remember, energy flows where attention goes!

Moving Forward into 2013

We survived the hype around the December 2012 solstice and life continues on as always. Are you surprised? Did you really expect things would change significantly overnight? Even if we can’t see obvious signs of changes there is no denying that a major transformation is occurring worldwide. This is an inner transformation, and is a gradual, and often, intense process.

President Evo Morales of Bolivia, in a speech to the UN in September 2012 is quoted as saying:
“…according to the Mayan Calendar the 21st December marks the end of the non-time and the beginning of time. It is the end of the Macha and the beginning of the Pacha. It is the end of selfishness and the beginning of brotherhood. It is the end of individualism and the beginning of collectivism… the end of hatred and the beginning of love. The end of lies and the beginning of truth. It is the end of sadness and the beginning of joy. It is the end of division and the beginning of unity….”
What a beautiful description of the transformation process. Are you able to visualize just how this change is going to manifest? Or, how the inner changes you are experiencing are contributing to the conscious collective’s transformation?
There is no doubt that 2012 was an intense year for practically everyone. Challenges include finances, relationships, family, friendships, self worth, along with added grief as a large number of souls chose 2012 as the time to transition from the Earth plane.
In numerology 2012 is a “5” year, which denotes ‘Change’. The coming year, 2013, is a “6” year and will bring with it some challenges but overall should be more steady. According to Ellin Dodge:
“2013…The year of the “Cosmic Parent” when the universe aims to find domestic balance, harmony and comfort.  Blue is the Universal color. In general, the focus in every country around the world is inward and on a stronger sense of responsibility…family values, domestic changes, educational and health reforms and advances –  lots of weddings – food products, home products, community politics, civic improvements and the housing market returns. The music industry surges forward.  Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart and home improvement and home decorating businesses break all records.  All children born in 2013 will live “The Wisdom Cycle”…their last cycle of life, in comfort, surrounded by loving families.


Challenging problems arise from unwillingness to make adjustments, stubbornness, unyielding ideals and self-righteousness.  The new ideas begin in April and rise up in June.  February and November bring focuses on actively solving problems, money, big business and bring January and October underlying problems to a head…Universally, it’s all about taking responsibility, fulfilling obligations, nurturing our families and improving our immediate neighborhood in 2013.”


Basically I see that we all have responsibility – individually and collectively – to transform our reality. It’s our duty and obligation – for the sake of our children and grandchildren – to clean up the environmental messes created worldwide;  to rid our world of toxins that are creating illness and disease;  to create an environment that is conducive to healthy learning and joyful participation in all aspects of life;  to create a stronger, vital sense of community and self-sustainability;  to foster unity and oneness;  and to nurture the brilliance and gifts that our young children bring with them into this lifetime.
The younger generation is the one that holds the responsibility for bringing Earth back into balance, this is what they have incarnated for. Whatever steps we take to support their growth and awareness will definitely speed up the process of inner transformation, and will ultimately be manifested in our shared co-created reality.
As we move into 2013 let’s all aspire – in whatever ways feel appropriate – to transform aspects of our reality that no longer are in harmony with the essence that is within. It’s time to become more proactive in determining our true purpose and then living that purpose/meaning for being here to the utmost of our abilities.
If you are uncertain about becoming more proactive then this youtube video may be just the inspiration you are seeking.
The journey post-Mayan Calendar has commenced. The journey will take us wherever we choose to go. Let’s choose wisely and with foresight!