A New Wave of Consciousness Emerging

How was the first month of 2015 for you? If it was anything like mine it probably felt slow, a bit like a long wet week. During the past month, however, I feel as though I’ve been scoured more than ever – more layers of that proverbial onion being removed. From what I gather it’s been similar for many other people. Unexpected emotions surfacing, old issues reappearing and even people and events from the past re-emerging. What’s it really about? And, why after all this time isn’t the ride as smooth as anticipated? 

The word I kept hearing in my head this past month has been ‘refinement’, which I take to mean that there’s been a lot of fine tuning, that we’re being cleared of the denser vibrations in order that the newer, higher frequencies we’re being exposed to and have the potential to hold within can actually become the dominant frequency that is held. This means that the old, stagnant emotions and memories will have less of a grip and are much less likely to interfere with, or impact on, our journey into attaining our goals and aspirations. 

During the time that I channelled the energy of Edgar Cayce to audiences in the northeast of the States the message was very clear that a new wave of consciousness is emerging upon the planet. This new consciousness is attributed to several factors. 

  1. The conscious intention to create deeper meaning in life involves going within, healing old wounds, letting go, undertaking forgiveness and generally creating a transformative inner shift. Countless people worldwide have been on the quest to higher awareness for many years and have been diligent in shifting their inner landscape significantly.
  2. Significant support now being given by our space brothers and sisters. At the turn of the century I channelled that huge tsunami like waves of energy would be bombarding the earth. These waves of energy hold an incredibly high frequency, designed to lift the darker and heavier energies that have been predominant for too long. These energy ‘waves’ are basically to assist the Earth shift into a higher frequency, and all who live on her to that frequency of functioning.
  3. Children being born in recent years hold a higher frequency than their parents and grandparents. The long awaited Rainbow Warrior race is now being welcomed to the planet, thereby fulfilling a Native American prophecy. It is these beautiful beings who will ultimately shape the planet into its true potential of harmony and peace right across the globe.


Indications of Shift

It is all too easy to view the dark happenings in the world as an indication that nothing is shifting. There are plenty of individuals who are determined to remain in the fear state, expecting the worst and having those expectations confirmed daily when watching news and current affairs media. 

However, recently in Australia there have been two very significant indications of this shift in consciousness. Yes, it’s finally shifting from an inner transformation process to become evident in the outer reality! 

In the past few months there have been elections held in two states. In both State elections the outcome has been totally unexpected. Both incumbent political parties lost power after only one term in power – a totally unheard of thing in political history. 

Does this mean that the voters are fickle or heavily biased toward one party or the other? No, not at all. In fact, voters are expressing dissatisfaction with the performance of their elected representatives and are indicating that displeasure via their vote. Voters now are just as likely to do the same thing next election. People are sending a very clear message to their elected representatives – listen to us, ensure you follow through with promises because we have the power to change things very quickly. In fact, political commentators are already identifying this as a new political history. 

I view this as an expression of the shift in consciousness. Individuals and groups are voicing their opinions strongly and indicating that they are not ‘sheeple’, that their voices must be heard. If you look at other institutions it’s likely that the same consciousness shift is being voiced. Some institutions and systems take a while to shift. However, we’re seeing signs of it also with religion and education systems. 

Personally I feel that the changes are occurring too slowly – but that’s just my take on things – and when there are signs of change then I begin to feel elated.


Animal Welfare and Conservation

Thanks to the internet and global connectivity we’re rapidly becoming aware of the dangers facing animal species and the increasing extinction rates. As well, we’re able to learn about the consciousness that is occurring as committed individuals and organizations do all that is possible to rehabilitate and save different species. 

Especially heartening to see is the ‘communication’ connection occurring between humans and animals, with many of these animals considered to be wild and dangerous. My theory around this is that as we change our frequency from one of fear to one of unconditional love then animals respond accordingly. In fact, I’ve always felt that so-called wild animals are only considered dangerous because they have learned that humans are dangerous to their survival, due to being hunted and slaughtered mercilessly.


One Voice

There are many humanitarian projects being undertaken globally. Thanks to the world wide web it’s now much easier to coordinate days of celebration and awareness on a large scale or globally. This unites people of different races, religions and faiths and backgrounds. There is a much greater celebration of oneness than that of differences. 

The increasing number of well researched and well presented documentaries available on just about every aspect of consciousness, improving our lives and the wellbeing of the planet is almost beyond belief. All are geared to assist, support and even guide the general population into deeper thinking, questioning and also taking action where it feels appropriate or necessary.


Lifestyle Changes

Climate change is a huge and contentious issue, as well as posing a real challenge and threat to our existence. How we, as a global community, come to terms with this and modify our lifestyle will determine the ultimate outcome. 

It is heartening to see the huge trend towards organic self sustainability and self sufficiency. Cities where garden growing is not only encouraged but actively supported by elected representatives are still relatively new. However, both Vancouver BC and Seattle are great examples of this. 

I feel excited when I see more do-it-yourself information on simple ways of creating self-sufficiency in one’s own home and garden. Recently I was fortunate to come across an individual who has achieved amazing results in turning desert into thriving and productive landscape. The link to his work is:


Ultimately our reliance on corporations and governments to take care of our needs is not guaranteed. Simple changes in lifestyle can, and does, decrease dependence on a system that charges significant dollars for delivery. Along with that decrease in dependence a sense of achievement arises.

Each week I visit one of our many local markets and do all I can to support local growers and producers. The skills and knowledge available locally is comprehensive. While doing this I ask many questions and tend to come away with a desire to know more and to do more for myself, rather than relying on products that are mass produced and shipped here from China.


How are you Manifesting your Consciousness Shift?

This is not a quiz. There are no right or wrong answers. All I ask is that you reflect on your life journey to date. How much have you changed? To what extent have you experienced a shift in consciousness? In what ways are you demonstrating and manifesting that consciousness shift? And, finally, how can you improve on what you are already doing and have already achieved? 

Only you have the answers to these questions, and only you are in a position to formulate a plan of action – if it feels appropriate to your needs. 

My understanding of this shift is that it’s a process of change, growth and refinement. Possibly there is no end point or destination. The transformation into higher consciousness is your responsibility and yours alone. The extent to which you undergo this process is totally up to you!

Living With Heart Centered Consciousness

The spiritual movement, often referred to as the New Age movement, continues to expand and evolve. Nowadays it is becoming much more commonplace to hear statements, words or phrases in mainstream communication that once were the considered to be exclusive to the spiritual domain. For example, ‘live in the moment’, ‘being in the flow’, ‘the universe….’, ‘parallel realities’, ‘karma’, ‘heart consciousness’, etc.

There is no doubt we have to thank the internet and the increasing amount of available written and audio information for this shifting of awareness. However, there are times when this surplus of information can be confusing and also contradictory. It is all too easy to be swayed by words or images because they resonate. Then, before too long, exposure to another set of words or images may totally change perception and therefore set up the likelihood of a new set of beliefs or truths.

With this overload of information it can become difficult to ascertain what actually has a real basis for consideration or what may be erroneous. An example of this is the scientific conflict that currently exists regarding global warming. There are many scientists who have supported the claims that Earth’s climate is warming due to greenhouse emissions. Documentaries such as ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ are certainly convincing that we are facing a warming of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere.

Yet, there are probably as many scientists who disagree with the contention that global warming is a real threat to our survival. In fact, their research has identified global cooling with the possible threat of an ice age as being the greatest threat to our survival. The link below gives as much credence to the possibility of global cooling as other research does to the possibility of global warming.


So, how is it possible to live with heart centered consciousness when intellectually and logically we are continually faced with many questions and issues that require our mental faculties to resolve them?

Hearts Have Their Own Consciousness

The heart has its own functional ‘brain’, which has now been acknowledged as a highly complex system. It communicates information to the brain as well as throughout the body via electromagnetic field interactions. In fact, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater than that produced by the brain – and it permeates every cell, atom and molecule in the body. It does this by pulsing waves of energy that radiate out from the heart and interact with organs and all body systems.

It’s been found that emotional states affect heart functioning. As an example, sustained positive emotions give rise to a distinct code of functioning which increases awareness of and sensitivity to others. It’s also been postulated that the heart field is involved in intuitive processing.

Shifting to Heart Centered Consciousness

As with all things, we say and direct our energies to where we aspire to be. For example, once there is awareness of the importance of living in the moment then we continually make reference to this. Our language reinforces the fact that we live in the moment. However, over time there is a repetition of that energy which builds up so that instead of merely repeating the same phrase/words we actually step into the feeling state of living in the moment.

The point I’m making is that talking about something is different to feeling it. Yet, in order to step into the feeling state there has to be plenty of talking, which then leads up to the shift of experiencing the feeling state. Once fully immersed in that feeling state it’s virtually impossible to revert back to just talking about a conceptual experience. The concept actually becomes an experience!

It is the same with shifting to a state of living with heart centered consciousness. Lots of talk precedes the feeling state. Once in the feeling state of heart there is a huge shift on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. Being in a feeling state and functioning through the heart center ultimately means that there’s no need to constantly engage in thoughts or to even express words. The energy of being in that state takes precedence and anything that does not resonate with this new state of being feels incredibly uncomfortable.

Shifting to heart centered consciousness however cannot occur until a great deal of inner work has transpired. This involves undertaking healing work on all levels in relation to self and others – and most likely will also involve healing energies from other lifetimes. In the sessions I conduct I’m emphatic that the energy memories based in the lower three chakras require a lot of work in this process. When working solely on the shifting to heart centered consciousness without doing the inner work the result will end up being out of balance. The fear and pain triggers in the lower chakra centers will always manifest, resulting in dissonance and possibly even great anguish and pain.

Techniques for Shifting

I’ve shared these before, but because they are so powerful and critical to the process will list them again. If you’re like me, it’s all too easy to overlook or forget them due to life’s issues and pressures.

  • Give gratitude daily. This is an ongoing process and though what you express gratitude for may change the act of giving gratitude needs to be as ingrained as the act of breathing. When in a true state of living with heart centered consciousness the expression of gratitude does not require sentences or thoughts. It becomes a feeling state and experience.
  • Live in the moment. Find the technique that works for you. Personally I prefer the breathing technique taught by the energy of Edgar Cayce. It works for me and I’ve also had feedback from others as to the high degree of efficacy of breath work in creating the Now moment.
  • Express love daily – and constantly. Whether it be to nature, body, health, friends, family etc. Expressions of love – whether they be verbal, physical or mental/emotional – go a long way to creating that feeling state of heart centeredness.
  • Apply forgiveness to self and others whenever a situation arises that brings up painful memories. Rather than dwelling on the issue or emotion I’ve learned that mentally affirming ‘I love myself, I forgive myself’ is extremely powerful for shifting the pain energy. This can also include an additional statement, ‘I love….., I forgive….’ when in relation to others.
  • Do what you enjoy, what gives you pleasure. The more you do the things that enthuse and inspire you the greater the reduction of inner stress.
  • Let go of toxic situations and people. Sometimes it’s not possible to do this so instead I recommend that letting go of the anxiety and stress reduces the level of inner tension. My favorite mantras in this regard are ‘This too shall pass’ and ‘It is what it is’. This in no way diminishes the nature of the issue or situation. Instead it creates an energetic barrier, distancing you from the situation and allowing greater ease within.
  • Let go of your story. Most people carry memories of experiences that have been painful or abusive – to some extent. Continually talking about those experiences, remembering them, re-visiting the emotions keeps them truly alive and creates an energy trigger that doesn’t abate. I’m not saying ignore or suppress the emotions/pain. Instead, when they surface I’ve found the statement, ‘I release with love….’ to be highly effective in reducing any stored pain. Sometimes that statement needs to be repeated countless times, along with doing forgiveness work, but ultimately is well worth the energy.

Most likely you also have a technique or two that works for you. I would love to hear about them as the more that we share our experiences the wider our community connection becomes!