Energy Healing

“At the age of 80 years I overnight lost 90% of sight in my right eye. Clots had formed behind the retina – too large and numerous to be lasered off, the specialist informed me. This caused a large black blob in that eye. Treatment by Bente removed this blob completely, to the absolute amazement of my specialist… it has made such a difference to my life.” GT, Perth, Australia.


 Do you Want to Live Life to Your True Potential – in a State of Awareness and Wellness?


I find a lot of people are carrying a burden! This burden carries feelings of guilt, shame and/or fear. Getting to the core of your burden will help you find inner peace and joy in life.

I have been working with clients from all walks of life for 20 years assisting them clear core issues, regain wellness and to move forward successfully in their lives.

I have moved back to Australia. This means that the one on one, in person sessions I’ve been offering in the Northeast, including NY, MA, NJ and CT will no longer be available.

However, I continue to provide an extensive service based on Distance Energy Clearing/Healing Sessions and Spiritual Counselling both nationally and internationally. I use Skype and cell/mobile phone which I find this to be a highly effective way of communicating internationally. 

My Mission: to support and empower you in your  journey to wellness and inner harmony!

” In all of my years being touched by healers, I have never experienced anything like this.  I cannot put into words what I felt, I can only feel it internally and emotionally – thank you for understanding my excitement and for bringing me back down to reality.  I feel blessed to have been in your presence today.”  Julie (NY)


Dynamic Energy Healing is another term for Energy Medicine. When administering Energy Healing the concept of time/space dissolves. This means it is as easy and effective to work with an individual on a one-on-one basis as it is to work with an individual many hundreds or thousands of miles away. Energy Healing is painless and non-invasive.It treats the whole body, gently nurturing it back into a state of balance and self-healing.

My recent book, “Edgar Speaks: Inner Transformation, 2012 and Beyond and Earth Changes” was released in 2011. The book relates to my experience with the energy of Edgar Cayce, including a great deal of information about energy. 

The book is available at or from me personally via this website. It is also available as an eBook from every eBook seller. New Leaf is the national and international distributor of the hard copy. 

I have also recently released my earlier book “The New World of Self Healing” as an eBook, and it’s now available from all eBook outlets.

As a trained teacher and educator I take great joy and delight in sharing the infinite wisdom that I have received from beyond the veil for many years now. When working with groups – either sharing information or teaching energy techniques – I find that participants receive a vast amount of energy healing, and also clearing.

This is due to the fact that whenever I am engaged in energy tasks that a powerful energy is transmitted, or emitted, via my heart center. When channeling I also provide more than merely information. I am an energetic channel. This means that powerful healing energy emanates through me to audiences, and is the mechanism by which significant healing takes place on many levels.

“Bente has a genuine compassion that inspires the minds and hearts of her clients and friends alike. People are instantly drawn to her gentle spirit and guiding insights.”  NF, Perth, Australia.

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