Do You Feel Invisible?

It is interesting to feel and observe the changes that are occurring internally and externally during this time of transformation. I always reflect on what I observe happening ‘out there’ and endeavor to understand how the outer events are a reflection of what is, or has been, transpiring within.

When speaking with other people it is surprising to hear that our experiences, while unique to each individual, are essentially similar. Interpretations and understanding of experiences are often expressed differently but take away the language component of explanation and interpretation then differences are actually not that great.

For example, more and more I encounter people who share experiences where they have felt as though they were invisible. Common situations include those waiting to be served in a store and being overlooked or being in a group situation but not being noticed. The common thread is that individuals comment they feel totally invisible, as though their presence is not observed or felt by others.

What does this signify? Is it actually becoming more prevalent? And, why does this happen to some people and not others?

I believe this is one of the symptoms, or side-effects, of the changes that occur energetically as we become more consciously aware. A great deal has been written about shifting from 3rd to 5th dimensional frequency, about shifting from lower density to holding higher vibrations, or as I channeled during the years I was connected to the energy of Edgar Cayce it’s about becoming multi-dimensional. 

Scientifically it’s been shown that all living things hold bio-photon energy within their cellular structure. Cayce (from channeled information) insists that the ‘junk DNA’ our bodies hold is being activated as there is a shift in consciousness, thereby increasing the amount of bio-photon light held by the body. Interestingly, I recently read a scientific article that supported this claim.

As we shift into the higher frequencies our bodies hold more light. Some individuals are shifting rapidly, others not so. The implication is that individuals whose bodies are more light filled may not be as physically visible to those whose frequencies are not on a similar wavelength.

It can be frustrating to be overlooked time and again. If this has happened to you I’m sure you’ll understand just what I’m saying. Getting served in restaurants, stores and institutions can become challenging. Even socializing at events can feel like a dismal affair. 

Rather than focusing on the annoyances I’ve found there are advantages to being ‘invisible’. Generally I am left alone to do ‘my thing’ – it is as though I am left to my own devices. Life definitely flows ever so much more effortlessly. There are certainly fewer interpersonal challenges. And, there is an enhanced feeling of being balanced and having inner stability. 

My experience of being invisible is not unique, as I’ve discussed the experiences with others who also find this happening. One of the biggest benefits is to health and wellbeing.

Sickness and susceptibility to viruses, bacteria and pathogens become a thing of the past. It’s a gradual process but over time it becomes apparent that the body functions in much healthier ways and remains healthy even when there are viruses that are seriously affecting the larger population.

In the channeled messages from Edgar Cayce he stated this was one of the outcomes that can be anticipated as our bodies hold more light. Given the huge amounts of money being spent annually on health related issues and conditions being ‘invisible’ can be considered advantageous.

If you are feeling challenged and are unsure of just how to shift your energy to higher frequencies I will be exploring this topic in greater depth in the February newsletter. 


A Time of Silence and Reflection

 The Reincarnation Cycle

You are living in a time of tumultuous change. You have been preparing for this for eons. I do not use the word eons lightly. You have, through the reincarnation cycle, come into your body time and again. You have chosen through that reincarnation cycle to experience all aspects and facets of humanity. Your psyche has experienced pain, untold suffering, intense emotion, conflict, sadness and in the midst of all this your psyche has also experienced times of joy and pleasure. There have been gleanings of happiness and peace. Yet, as you well know – and you know this from studying history books – the course of humanity in recent times and by this I mean, during the times of the recent civilization, of which you are a part – the course of humanity of recent times has not been one of great joy and upliftment overall.

The darkness – as some would call it – has been intense, and cultures and civilizations upon the planet have experienced the depths of degradation, of deprivation and of intense and untold barbarity as one human is pitted against another. As beings you have awareness of this. In your embodiment, in this particular lifetime, you have determined that this history that has been written in the history books must be changed.

Changing the Course of History

In this instance it is not wishful thinking. You have embodied in other lifetimes with the intention of creating a lightening of the energies, of serving humanity and to divert its course so that it did not and does not remain entrenched in such depths of inhumanity. But as you know from history books those who have come to change the world throughout the course of history have only succeeded marginally. They have been what you may refer to as the ‘bright lights’. As bright lights they have inspired and offered hope in order that others may follow on and create a positive and enduring outcome for humanity.

Yet, despite the efforts and intentions of these blessed souls you are now at a juncture whereby you and others like yourself have come back in large numbers to once and for all turn the tide. Turn the tide so that the inhumanity of which I speak will no more be. The deprivation, the degradation will in time become viewed as ancient history. These barbaric acts that have been perpetrated upon humanity generation after generation in one country after anotherwill in time become a thing of the past. And, you and others like yourself are here to ensure that this is how it will be.

You are here in large numbers – as I say – not only to turn the tide but to create lasting change. This lasting change has often been prophesized and referred to as the One Thousand Years of Peace. In your heart you may feel a tingle of excitement when you think of this. Your heart may race and you may wonder how can this be achieved, and you will know how wonderful it will be when every individual upon this planet knows there is nothing to fear and that all is in harmony.

You are not Insignificant

From where you sit at this moment you may wonder, ‘How can I, insignificant I, make a difference?’ You are very important to the process. Do not for one moment view yourself as insignificant or incapable of creating and supporting this major shift. This is what you have come to do. This is the excitement that has been building amongst many souls. This is the eagerly awaited for event. This is why there is such a huge population upon the planet at this time. There are many souls who know what is to come, who know that in order for the transformation to occur there must be change. In order for change to happen it involves many minds, hearts and hands working together in community, in collaboration.

No More Isolation or Separation

The time of isolation and feeling alone is no more. It is now the time for all individuals to see themselves as part of the One and to feel and experience that oneness with others in community, knowing there is no separation. There is a reconnection that is taking place. It is occurring energetically as I speak. There are many individuals who are striving within to become a better person, to make changes in their life.

As soon as they begin this process they emit a certain vibration and in emitting that vibration energetically there is a connection with others. This results in a ripple effect when one individual is connected energetically with the next, and the next and the next. Before you know it there is a commonality of energies, all striving individually and yet collectively to transform this planet. If you have not yet explored the possibility of connecting with other like-minded souls, of allowing your mind to be open to all potentialities I encourage you to begin doing so now.

There is within your culture still some skepticism and some individuals still feel isolated even though they are striving for meaning. Those who have reached the place of understanding what this transformation encompasses are in a position to lead and guide others.

Intense Vibrational Increases

Earlier in the discussion This One made mention of earth changes and the passing of many souls. Currently there are dramatic, intense and powerful energy shifts occurring on every level as humanity and planet Earth are transitioning from one vibration to another, to another and another.

Some may refer to this process as shifting from third dimension into fourth and into fifth dimensional reality. I say again – as I’ve said before – do not limit yourself in this regard. Do not for one moment define yourself as attaining a certain level of vibration and then saying, ‘This is it. I have done what I came to do.’ Oh no, oh no, that again is a mind limitation. Those terminologies that refer to the shift – whether those terminologies include words such as dimension or ascension process – are merely indicators used to shift consciousness and awareness. Time and again I have made it abundantly clear that your soul is multi-dimensional and if you choose to not be limited you also have the potential in this life time to become truly multi-dimensional.

There are no limits other than those you place upon yourself, other than those you impose upon your reality, other than those you choose to restrict and limit you. There are no limitations – none whatsoever. For those who choose to take not only the quantum leap into higher frequencies but who choose to go beyond what some have defined as fifth dimensional reality and to open yourself to your truly multi-dimensional aspects you will find this to be a truly transformative and liberating experience. You will find that you will have shifted your vibration and energies to such a high degree that you will be able to function as the avatars, the masters and the gifted ones have done at varying times in history.

This is not the lifetime where you will attain such a degree of proficiency by merely meditating and isolating yourself from the rest of your community. In the past it was the way in which the adepts and masters attained such degree of proficiency. For them the vibration in the surrounding world was indeed extremely dense and heavy. In order to attain such a high level of awareness they were able to do this only by retreating into silence, to be in connection not only with nature but with divine inspiration and Source. This was the only means, or the only conditions that supported such enormous growth and shift in consciousness.

Now, however, everyone upon the planet has this potential – if you so choose. And, not attaining it through isolation, withdrawal and going into the silence, but by living spiritual truth in community, by living spiritual integrity in harmony with others, by being mindful and aware at all times. This involves mindfulness and awareness of your thoughts.

The Challenge of Thought

Let us focus on thought for a moment. This is one of the most challenging aspects for any and all individuals to master. It is stated in the Bible that in the beginning there was the word. It is well touted and acknowledged that it is the word that creates. The word creates reality on a continuous basis. Those individuals who are mindful of their thoughts – their thoughts being their words – know their thoughts create. They endeavor to use only thoughts, or words, that enhance and create a higher expression.

This is where the challenge arises. In the culture of this great country a vast amount of energy has been expended in encouraging individuals to speak. If an individual does not speak openly or articulate clearly they are left behind. If an individual is unable to express their needs and wants immediately and in a loud and clear manner then they are overlooked. The art of speaking has become so predominant within this culture, to such a degree that the art of mindfulness of speech has been lost. It has been overlooked and then gradually lost.

When individuals, from time to time, hold back and do not speak then in most instances they are thinking. They are thinking the words and thoughts that they are not expressing verbally. The art of silence has been lost. The art of silence is one of the most profound ways of developing and creating that level of consciousness and awareness of which I speak.

It is common for some individuals – certainly not for the majority of the population – to take time in their daily routine to enter the meditative state. In this meditative state they, with diligence and practice, experience the silence. It is a well-known fact that once the meditation has ceased and an individual returns to the stresses of daily life then the mind chatter starts once again, and the verbalizing then follows.

What I advocate as a way of shifting consciousness and awareness into such a state of alignment with Source energy is that it is vitally important to find the silence within at every possible moment. I have advocated breathing – focused breathing – as a means of silencing the mind. That is the first step.

When it comes to thinking and expressing yourself the next step is to be aware of your expression. In other words, think about what you are going to say before you speak. Are you using words that hold a vibration that uplifts, creating wellness and happiness within? Or are your thoughts and words negative that bring you down and create a feeling of lowered energy within?

It has become habit to speak without thinking. The art of silence has long been lost within this culture. The art of reflection has also been lost. While I say this it does not mean it has to remain this way. Far from it. It is up to you, one by one, to begin this process of taking every opportunity to be with yourself in silence. Then, before speaking to reflect upon the true meaning of what it is you wish to express. Is what you wish to express beneficial to yourself and to others? Is it for the highest good of all? Will it uplift you and others?

Then look at the syntax and structure of your expression. Are you desiring to feel lightened by what you say? If you express statements that leave you feeling less than lightened reflect upon your language, reflect upon the words that create the dampening of mood. Then in your reflection ask, ‘What words, or word, would be more appropriate? What word or words would lift my mood?’ You have the intelligence to do this. Put it into practice. As you change within, as you change your mindfulness around your use of language all that you desire to create becomes a much stronger potentiality and in time manifests in the way your heart desires.

It is commonplace, as it was during my time, often to speak without thinking. What I am saying now – because of the changing vibrations and higher frequencies upon this planet that there are so many people worldwide aspiring to transform – that when you speak without thinking the manifestation of that expression occurs almost instantaneously. In most instances you are not aware that you have created this manifestation.

Mindfulness is Important

This is why I advocate that time is taken to go into silence and to reflect. In doing this you feel and reflect upon the structure of the language used. When doing this you will rapidly erase, omit and delete many of the common phrases and words used. You will realize they have a resonance of a lower vibration. You will be amazed at how many of the commonly used words in today’s language have this lower resonance or vibration and do not serve you well. Once you make this discovery you will feel liberated. You will feel clearer and willfeel empowered in ways not previously experienced.

As I said, it is the word that creates. You are aware of the changes occurring across the planet. You are aware of the impact these changes are having upon individuals and communities. By making what you may consider to be very minor changes within yourself and within your language usage and structure you begin to change your reality. As you do this and the next person does the same thing and so on, before you know it there is a collective generation of energy that will help shift the vibration right across the planet.

The Larger Picture

It does not require the conscious intention and application of every person across the planet to make this change. There is a certain percentage that is required for this to happen. It is interesting to note – for I am aware of what is being publicized in the media – I am aware that some individuals will say that when ten percent of the population ‘gets it’ that the whole population will evolve. Others claim twenty-five percent. But, how do you measure this? What I say instead is that when you endeavor to shift your vibration through conscious intention you rapidly begin to accelerate and as energy begins to shift within you then there is the ripple effect so that others feel it. There is no set percentage required. How can you measure the vibrational shift? How can you measure who is vibrating at a third dimensional level and who is at a fifth dimensional level, or who even may be at the seventeenth vibrational level or higher?

The technology for that has not yet been developed. In fact it is not relevant. The motivating energy for the change comes from here, within you, through mindfulness, awareness and intention. Through that you place the intention and begin the journey of shifting to the higher frequencies. There is no place to stop. You keep going. There are those, like myself from beyond the veil, who are here to support and guide you. You know this well enough. Some forget to ask. Others are finding the changes too painful. It is up to you to decide what is your path, what resonates for you. What do you intuitively know you are here to do? Once you have that awareness, then apply yourself. You are extremely important. This journey is your journey. You do not need permission from others. Nor do you follow in someone else’s footsteps. You travel the journey. You create the journey. You are the master of your journey. It all comes from the heart. When you apply the heart, the feeling from the heart, the intention from the heart, into everything you do then you will begin to feel the shift of the vibration more keenly than ever before.

I thank you for your attentiveness and open myself to questions.