Embrace the Changes

Now that the festive season is over and the stresses of frenzied shopping, cooking, socializing, etc are over I can’t help but wonder if anyone else is experiencing the same feeling as I am, which is “What now?” It’s amazing just how much energy is expended over a few months at the end of each year in order to celebrate and share with others. The New Year generally starts off with a bang, often filled with positive intentions, but generally it’s not long before there’s a feeling of being in a vacuum, a feeling of wondering and attempting to figure out exactly how to fulfil those positive intentions. 

Usually I strongly advocate living in an abundant present moment, while focusing on manifesting an ideal, satisfying and ongoing ‘future’. However, currently my thoughts are on all that occurred in 2014 and what has been achieved in that time. Globally there was no shortage of dramas and catastrophes. Yet, simultaneously it was a wonderful year to purge old emotions, to let go of things that no longer satisfied or worked. In particular, 2014 was a year of opportunity. I view this opportunity as the potential for going inwards, for reflecting and for correcting those things that needed to be modified or corrected in our lives. 

What have you taken from 2014 that has the potential to create positive change and growth this coming year? What were your most painful learning opportunities? How have you dealt with them? How will you be doing things differently in 2015? Last year I released both cellular and energetic memories from so many lifetimes that it seemed to be a never ending process. Consequently I feel much calmer and clearer, and definitely have that ‘empty’ feeling within. 

Basically 2014 was a powerful year as it provided an opportunity for inner transformation. It was a year of learning and teaching. Hopefully we’ve all gained something important from whatever was experienced last year and which can support and enrich our lives from hereon in. 

Currently I feel as though I’m chomping at the bit, eager for the changes that I’ve worked towards. Yet I keep getting the message to be patient, forcing me to truly live in the moment. 


In recent weeks I’ve been fortunate to receive information from the non physical realms regarding world dynamics. This coming year has the potential to be a time of enrichment, where dreams and aspirations manifest and a time of increased self empowerment. Yup, the vibes are highly positive for many individuals, in particular those individuals who have been undertaking ‘spring cleaning’ of their issues and belief systems, and who have begun the shift from the old paradigm. When shifting from the old paradigm there is a resultant shift in individual vibrational frequency to a higher frequency and level of functioning. This is what happens as we let go of old belief systems, patterning, blockages, etc.  

It’s vitally important to focus on the positive and to maintain a frequency of love, harmony, gratitude, etc from now on. There will be opportunities arise where it will be easy to become embroiled in the energies of the old paradigm. From what I understand it’s important to not succumb or spend time in the lower frequencies. Certainly there may be times when it’s necessary and important to release a lower frequency emotional memory, where clearing that memory actually supports you in maintaining a higher frequency.

Releasing old memories and emotions is part of the process of inner transformation and must not be confused with individuals and situations where the lower frequencies persist. It is a natural human tendency to rescue, help or even save others – often from themselves! What I share now may sound cruel or selfish but I ask that you view me as the messenger more than anything else. In my own words this is the gist of one of the messages I’ve received – and if you’ve read any of the Edgar Cayce channelings I undertook a few years ago you’ll also find references to this message. 

All souls have an equal opportunity to shift their frequency to the higher vibrations, though not all souls will take that opportunity. They will choose to remain mired in the ego based frequencies of materialism and the darker energies that have become strong on the planet over generations. It is not your responsibility to carry or force anyone else to make this shift from the old into the new paradigm. The transformation process is an individual journey. Some souls will embark upon it joyfully, some reluctantly and others not at all. It is vitally important to honor the choices made by others, and to pursue your choices steadfastly. 

In addition, in order to hold your frequency it is suggested that you avoid being pulled into the lower frequency dramas. This is often easier said than done, particularly if you watch television and current affairs programs. Most of these are filled with issues involving drama, pain, grief, suffering, conflict, etc. These hold the frequency of the old paradigm. Instead of taking on the pain of those who have been involved in these situations allow yourself to be the observer – without judgment or attachment – and continue sending love and healing at every opportunity. 

Does this mean that 2015 will be chaos and catastrophe free? Not at all. Those individuals who have chosen to remain in the lower frequencies will continue to experience more of that energy. That is the reality those souls have chosen! 

Two Realities Co-ExistingAnother message of significance is that a division between two realities now exists upon the planet. One reality consists of those individuals who have chosen the higher frequencies, the other contains those who choose to remain in the lower frequencies. These two realities will co-exist, side by side, for some time. Eventually, however the higher frequency reality will predominate and will become the only frequency Earth accepts. 

If you haven’t already figured it out, this means that ultimately those souls who choose to remain in the lower frequency will eventually choose to no longer live on the planet. 

This is an inevitable evolutionary process, involving both our beautiful planet and those souls who are accompanying her in this frequency shift. 

Evolved Souls

There is no denying that so many young people are of a higher soul evolution. If you have children and/or grandchildren I’m sure you’ve noticed the changes that are occurring. These younger generation individuals are often labelled Indigo, Crystal or other names due to the huge characteristic and trait differences they carry. 

Another message I’ve been given is that only evolved souls will be born into human form on the planet from now on. If we assume that all souls are the same then I believe we are making a huge mistake in our thinking. For many years adults have commented that an individual is an ‘old soul’ or a ‘young soul’ – or used different words to describe the inherent nature of the individual. Intuitively we’ve known that not all souls are the same. 

I use the word ‘evolved’ to describe higher order souls though that may not necessarily be the most appropriate term, but I’m sure you’ll get the gist of what I’m saying. Our planet is receiving an influx of higher frequency souls, who all come in with a clear sense of purpose and who know a lot more than we mere adults. It is these evolved souls who will be playing a paramount role in shifting humanity into higher frequency functioning on all levels. 

Now is the Time

Whether or not we’re ready the Shift of the Ages, that’s been long prophesized, is upon us. The shift is more of an internal shift, an inner transformation, which in turn eventually results in massive and significant changes on all levels. From my understanding it’s likely to take a generation, or about 25 years, for it to be fully completed. This means that we’re likely to be observing and experiencing continual changes on countless levels in coming years. But then, recent years haven’t been that calm either! 

Whatever 2015 brings I trust that you’ll use every opportunity to embrace the positive shifts and be fluid with making changes as they occur! 

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